AT AT Walker

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by Kangetsu, Oct 15, 2010.

  1. Kangetsu

    Kangetsu Forerunner

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    Alrighty! This is my second map in the making for ForgeHub a like. I got this idea out of no where and figured why not work on it while its still fresh in my head. So instead of boring you with meaningless prideful glee, heres what your looking at!

    This is the Barracks where Storm Troopers take their off time doing...clone stuff or what ever they do.

    Heading out of the barracks are two holding cell where they lock up the rebel scums or intentionally lock each other up for kicks and giggles.

    On the other side of the holding cell is the second area of the barracks where clones eat and discussed the latest crappy blaster. But thats not all they get to do.

    And this is why it takes so long to build a deathstar when your wasting your credits away on big plasma screens to a bunch of lousy shots that have a life spand of a fly.

    This is the staircase that leads to all 3 levels of the AT AT. The first being the Barracks, the second being the Armory, and the third being the vehicle bay.

    This is the Armory. The central hub contains 2 AR, DMR, Rocket Launcher, Sniper, Shotgun. On either side of the hub is 2 of each AA except Evade. In the back is a teleporter that takes you ground side.

    This is the Vehicle Bay. Containing all the goodies and trade of the Empire. I say this picture speaks for its self. The teleporter transports vehicles ground side. It however wont teleport players without being in a vehicle.

    This is the entrance to the cockpit. Just take the poorly designed zigzag into the cabin.

    This is the cabin. Took me awhile to get this just right as well as covering it up discently. There is a grav lift that propels your lazy self straight into the drivers seat. In front of the driver is 2 spartan lasers. Supposetly to be the turbo lasers of the AT AT. I know sad you shoot out of the cockpit.

    WEll heres some pictures of the AT AT from outside.





    Thats about it. Nothing fancy gameplay or anything not quite sure never thought about it just was doing it to do it. Figured id be the first to make this sorta map so there ya go folks. If you happen to find a game type for it be my guess and make it for yourselfs. and Hope you enjoy this map like I have.
  2. FerdyNess

    FerdyNess Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    ITS SOOOooo fat!

    It's kind of cute, like when you see pictures of fat animals with big eyes haha!!

    I guess this is a luxury AT-AT :D good work though.
  3. Detr1us

    Detr1us Forerunner

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    Very good, like the spartan lasers to emulate the turbo lasers. How much budget do you have left after making the behemoth?
  4. Kangetsu

    Kangetsu Forerunner

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    alittle over $600. I know its not a clean creation but it was the best I could manage on Forge lol. Im glad you guys like it. Took me 2 days to make. I'll be redoing my Normandy Map soon maybe tomorrow if I feel up to it. If there is anything wrong with this map just let me know and I will see what I can do.
  5. Detr1us

    Detr1us Forerunner

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    there is only one issue that I can see, the weapons on the wall looked fixed. I am fairly sure I am right in saying that will create a problem when you drop the weapon. I wouldn't actually know for sure as I never fix weapons lol
  6. Polaris 18

    Polaris 18 Forerunner

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    I never knew that AT-ATs has that much awesomeness inside :D great map and I'm pretty sure the rebels lose this time

    Oh yeah and one other thing the guy above is right fixed weapons don't work when you drop them you cannot pick them up again.
    #6 Polaris 18, Oct 15, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  7. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Nice job, it actually looks pretty accurate. And the interior is fabulous. But I think maybe you should make somewhere with a Falcon. Oh and people really like it when you place a DL link at the bottom of page.
  8. B0rnP3ac3mak3r

    B0rnP3ac3mak3r Forerunner

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    Now time for 2 (yes 2) AT-STs! Or an at-te. Now that would be awesome. I love star wars more than halo
  9. Kangetsu

    Kangetsu Forerunner

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    Lol Well I will see what I can do with At ST or AT TE. As with the fixed guns on the wall, that will be a small fix so thats no problem. And also How do you post a Download link that says download?.
  10. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's pretty nice, but the legs look way too short and stumpy, and it's a little fat in both the "neck" and main body of it. I would have concentrated a little more on the outside aesthetics than the inside, but otherewise nice job! i know how hard these are to create having made one on halo 3.
  11. Kangetsu

    Kangetsu Forerunner

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    This was a major headache for me. I knew the outside wasnt going to look its best. I didnt want it to small which is why I made it how it is. The legs are poorly done I also know. Which is why I made up for the inside. If I cant make the outside look relativly excellent I'll just spruce up the inside to compensate.

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