Pink Mist consists of a free for all Needler/Needle Rifle match. The starting weapons are Needler and Needle Rifle, including the Evade armor ability and two Plasma Grenades. This gametype is very fun to play and everyone will enjoy it. I made this gametype because I love getting Super Combine explosions for one and for two I was bored with the Magnum/DMR. Basic Attributes Damage Resistance - 110% Shields - Normal Shield Regeneration - None Speed - 110% Jump Height - 110% Radar - None Color - Pink Leader Traits - Unchanged except for Waypoint - Visible to everyone Radar - Normal within 10 meter radius This is basically made so that it is competitive and the leader wont always stay the leader. He gets at a disadvantage with the waypoint, but if he can use his radar strategically he will do fine. Hope you have fun!
haha i made this gametype also. I even named it pink mist. I didnt put needlers in it though. And it takes 2 explosions to kill. Im not saying you copied or anything i just thinks its a funny coincidence
So this essentially is Elite slayer on countdown...? I'm kidding. It sounds like a fun time! Elites are always really big targets so it'd be neat to see needlers on smaller spartans