Hi! I'm creating a map for Invasion my idea is like a base under attack and the attackers wants to destroy the base with explosion. My idea is for each step like the first two its like the first one they activate a switch? thats detonate an explosion where some rock are falling. There is my question. How can i make some rocks starting on top fall down in the water and reappere and start again falling???? thanks (sorry for myu english i speak french so:S)
You could set the map up to make it look like the rocks have fallen. There are lots of examples you can search for which use Inv_Gate. Some of the best I've seen actually have a gate which you plant the bomb at, the gate is then replaced with lots of debris to make it look like you really did just blow up the gate. But you couldn't have rocks continually falling. Have you tried crates? Maybe they're attacking a facility which stores lots of crates, they blow up and wall and now crates just keep falling down. Crates are like weapons, aren't they? If you have their physics set to normal then they'll fall when they spawn. So crates, yes. Rocks, no. But hey, creates were good in Halo 3!
you can make the rocks fall if i am not mistaken... set them in the air in fixed or phased physics then let go of it. Then click X over it and set the physics to normal. I think this will work because i got it to work with kill balls.
if u can make rocks follow normal physics do what Evrito said, and then set the Run Time Min to the same as the Run Max, so once 1 rock despawns, another isntantly takes it place
Kill balls (and the rest of the toys) can be set to fixed or normal where they will always behave like the physics. Objects like walls, platforms, and rocks are immovable no matter what the physics are, if you set them to normal, they will fall (if you drop them) and then stay where they settle.