How do I make objects ~Appear~ in Invasion not on a time, but on SETS? I am making an invasion map where you use a bomb in the second phase to breach a gate/wall. Currently it is set-up so the inv_gates objects disappear after the bomb blows, but I want objects to appear at the same time as the other objects disappear. Is this possible? EDIT: Realised the title is wrong.. should be : Making Objects Appear*
Yes. Say your first objective and the disappearing objects are in the spawn sequence 1. The objects that should appear would be in the spawn sequence 2.
For my set-up spawn sequence is at 3 i think, for the disappearing objects, so i should make the objects that need to appear set to spawn sequence 4? I was under the impression that setting the spawn sequences related to the phases of invasion, but now i think that is wrong. Since the first spawn sequence i have is set to 3, there is no previous ones to occur before it. Also these objects are set to Inv_Gates meaning they dissapear at a certain stage.. Does the spawn sequence have anything to do with the invasion phases?
i'm not going to type the whole thing out here but here is the site : Invasion + Forge! : 9/16/2010 9:09 AM PDT its is under PHASED OBJECTS (PHASED CREATION)
Set the thing you want to disappear as INV_gates with the spawn sequence set to the number of the last round you want it in. To make an object appear, you set it to INV_weapon (it doesn't have to be a weapon!) with the spawn sequence set to the round you want it to appear in. I did this with walls to gate off some vehicles after that particular base was captured.