Boo Boo Boo Bee. Forge .*thought* Omg i got this whole map planned out its gunna be sick a circle arena with houses in the corner both sides will have a bunker i cant wait*thought* *places a couple of duble boxes interlocks some * "um yea ill work on it another time" I nver come back to the map until today. wat i realize is that im so lazy at making maps.i hav eth ehwole map in my head but i get like bored of making the map.Does anyone else have this problem and maybe know a solution?
for me starting is the hardest part, once i get started and have everything going well. Im flying. Also ^^ i agree intervals help, me i'll say "one building today" but during that time make that building the best.
Happens to me all the time, if I tried harder I could make some really good maps, I know I'm good, but sometimes I just don't have the inspiration to start. Deadlines is a good idea, but if your lazy you'll just break them. ^^ Just try working on your map when inspiration hits, if you have no inspiration or reason to make it, your either gonna stop, or it will turn out poorly.
Yea, currently I'm too lazy to even publish my map (take screenshots lol...). I prefer to think what happens if I get like 1000+ dls? Not to brag but it just gets me to actually want to make the map.