Hey, this is actually my second map in the new Forge. It's a remake of the Goldeneye Facility map. It's fairly small which feels like a nice change of pace and works well with smaller groups/local mp. It works with all game types except Invasion and Race. I tried to get everything as exact as possible, hopefully it worked. Let me know what you guys think! First generator room. Hallway between the two generator rooms. Second generator room. Locker room(?). Window room/hallway leading out of the locker room. Little hub area linking the 3 main hallways. First ramp leading upstairs. Back hallway. Bathroom. Vents.
really cool! hard to visualise since you cant really do a "birds eye view" of the map. but it still looks great
Update: Just wanted to post a video of the map since the pics are kind of hard to make out. http://www.bungie.net/Silverlight/bungiemediaplayer/embed.aspx?fid=7000042 ... can you get a video to embed?