Finally, after 17 hours of work, my first Halo Reach project is complete! Now, I proudly present: Schitzophrenia. Description: Schitzophrenia was built based on a concept: to create as much chaos as possible using countless passageways and close-quarters hallways that seemingly split off or intersect at random. The layout is both dense and chaotic. As a result, I was forced to sacrifice asthetics for functionality, due to the annoying Item limits. However, I was still able to make a very functional map while still preserving simple, but effective architecture. You will not find any cracks or glitches in this map. I designed this map to be a camper's paradise while still encouraging players to keep moving. There are multiple places to duck down and take cover or lie in wait. The close quarters here also make grenades more dangerous. Multiple floors also add to the chaos. Images: This here is part of the largest of the several main corridors. This corridor is also one of the densest areas on the map. This is the second main corridor, which is on a seperate floor from the first. Not as dense as the other corridors due to being 3 blocks wide, rather than two. I call this area here the cluster. The passages here are extremely narrow, making it easy to be killed. I would advise moving as quickly as possible through here. Another view of the cluster. The opening on the left side leads to one of two "hubs" that are connected to several major passages. A view of some of the upper walkways and passages. Another view of some of the upper walkways and passages. One other feature on this map is how the lighting changes in Infection gametypes. Main Corridor Lower Hub Another Passage. The low light environment makes infection a bit more interesting. I am not sure how well it works with HD televisions, since I could never afford one, so you may or may not have to adjust the game's brightness settings. Weapons: The map was set up to encourage using a variety of weapons. The weapons are actualy quite well spaced apart. I also increased most of their spawn times and made some unavailable at the start. 3 DMRs - Clips:2, At start: yes, Spawn time: 40 3 Needle Rifles - Clips: 2, At start: yes, Spawn time: 40 2 Needlers - Clips: 2, At Start:Yes, Spawn time: 50 1 Grenade Launcher - Rounds:6, At Start:No, Spawn time: 120 1 Concussion Rifle - Clips:2, At start:yes, Spawn time: 75 2 Plasma Rifles 3 Spikers (because I like spikers) 1 Sniper Rifle - Rounds:8, At start:yes, Spawn time: 75 1 Shotgun - Rounds: 12, At start: No, Spawn time: 160 1 Energy sword - At start: yes, Spawn time: 180 1 Rocket Launcher - Rounds:2, At start: No, Spawn time: 90 Gametypes: Scitzophrenia works best with Free for All Slayer and FFA SWAT. And as you can see, It also plays infection gametypes quite well.
I would much rather play this in infection game type to tell you the truth, its a little to chaotic for much else. Don't worry, aesthetics aren't everything and this map is good without them.
It would help if I could get some people to help test this map further, so far I've only tested it with up to five players. Noone on my friends list is ever online. *sadface*