The newer version is here... The spartans must retreive vital information from the covenant cruiser. Plays with Covenant Cruiser Invasion gametype New map with fixed features If the pics do not work the map is in a set with all the pics, gametype, and a video showing the gameplay of the game.(video was a beta for teh map and all problems in the video have been fixed...) This map is made for invasion and invasion slayer. In the playout of the game the spartans spawn at their base and must go to the middle of the valley to take the point of the spirt or the shade turents. (3 minutes) Once they have done this they must go up he lift or fly fly to one of the ship bays to capture one of the ship bays. (5 minutes) After that the spatans must then go to the command bridge to retrieve the vital battle info and return it to the spartan's base.(5 minutes) The elites will spawn in the cargo bay and must spread out to defend the different objectives.
lol Try using imageshack or go to this link and it will explain everything:
what do you mean none of the pics work? Added after 6 minutes: I did it the way they said... Added after 8 minutes: are teh pics working????? Added after 5 minutes: Can anyone help!?!?!
Breathe in, breathe out. You're not going to die, just read the post "How to post Screenshots" in the Halo Reach Custom Content secton
I have a link to it on my desktop...Ive read it several still doent work when I do what it says...:/
Go to the picture button on the post thread edit thing. It'll ask for a URL, insert it and your pictures should appear.
Thanks for the comments! Is the image working now? Added after 11 minutes: I added another should work [br][/br]Edited by merge: thanks for the comments! are the pics working now?