So this is a thread to help me, but I'm sure it will help others like me too. ( noobish, new, starter in forging ) Now I'm coming close to getting to the half way point of building my map, but I'm thinking, what do i do about weapons? The questions: 1. What weapon's do you guys like to start with? 2. What weapon's do you just don't like in a map? 3. What weapon's are too overpowered? 4. What are some appropriate spawn times, ammo size for the power weapons? 5. What weapon's are the "go-getters" ( weapons usually placed in the middle that everyone goes for". 6. What weapon's do you like to see in a map? These questions will help me and other mappers understand a little more about the weapon placement, because I'm sure people don't want all sniper maps, or just shotguns on a wide open map... Thanks!
It depends on teh map Layout and size. For a small map rockets will get an easyer kill if theres no room to jump. If it is a large map the shotgun can be killed from range. if the map is symetrical the guns should be to. To answer your question though, It depends on the size and geography of the map. Like open areas, or enclosed tunnels.
1: I always hart BRs and Spikers 2: I'm not a huge fan of brute shots, but I'll use it if it's there 3: Flame Grenades are way overpowered. In close hallways, you hardly need to aim to get a kill. 4: Shotty: 0-2 clips, 45-120 sec Flame Grenades: 45-90 sec Rockets: 1-2 Clips, 60-180 sec respawn Snipes: 0-2 Clips, 60-180 sec respawn Fuel Rods: 1-2 Clips, 60-120 respawn Sword: 60-120 sec respawn I don't think Mauler is a power weapon. So sue me. 5: Rockets and Shotties, if not symmetrically placed as in Avalanche and The Pit, respectively. Splaser usually a point of contention if vehicles present. And Sword, simply because there is usually only one. 6: I love when maps have Rockets or FRG, because Ima heavy weapons horse. >.>
absolutly HATE BRs, but will use i only good wep on map, not a fan of grav hammer, sword, then at least two shottys, laser is good esp. with a lot of vehicles, love snipes, make symetrical, single rocket 1 extra clip
Br starts are good. I never would advise using sentinal beams, fuel rod guns, flame grenades, or a spartan laser in most competitive maps, usually in foundry. Spawn times, rockets- 120-180, shotty- 120-150, sniper... i dunno, it all depends on size and layout.
Put a decent amount of ARs, about 1.5X as much BRs, 2-4 plasma pistols (small-big), SMGs, Spikers, Plasma Rifles (slightly more SMGs & Spikers than Plasma Rifles), 2-4 Maulers, 1-2 shotguns, 1 sword, 1-2 rockets/FRG, 1 Splazer for every 2-3 vehicles, 2 sniper rifles, 2-6 carbines, average amount of frags, 1.75X as much Spike grenades, 1.5X as much plasmas (interchangeably, of course).
As of now i have no special gametype for my map, so you start with AR, so i figured i wouldn't have to put any on the map.
Just because you start with them doesn't mean you don't need them on the map. There is always limited ammo, and you could switch weapons, run out of ammo, and want to pick up another AR, but it wouldn't necessarily be there.
Weapon balance is completely dependant on the map. Any weapon can be overpowered on one map and then be fine on the next. The aim for a map should be to mix some 'fun' weapons like the Flame thrower, sword, gravity hammer, with some of the competative weapons like the Br, Sniper. Then you have weapons like the shotgun, rocket and laser, which are usually to keep a balance.
I stay away from the flamethrower, but love flame grenades in LIMITED CAPACITY. What I mean is I will either have 1 or 2 on the map, and set their respawn time to 180s. This way people arent collecting them and you have a 'nade fest with grenade spammers (everyone who plays MLG, lol). Its almost like a power weapon. Also with grenades, never have more than two types on a map. Frags and Plasmas or Frags and Spikes usually go well together. Plasmas go well with more open maps, while spike 'nades are excellent for close-quarters maps. And what I said above for the flame grenade can work as a "3rd grenade" even though it functions more like a power weapon; you will likely only have find/use of the flame grenade a few times during the match, if at all. I hope I made some sense up there... It's Monday, leave me alone! --dc