hey forgehub. i checked the forum rules and posting a g2 version of a map doesnt seem to be against em' so here it is. Ancient construct is a map designed with arena/mlg style competitive 4v4 slayer. to which i added the other gametypes later. I'm working on a version that supports everything exept invasion gametypes but i wanted to see how it would do as is. to aid the competitveness (and to appease the people screaming for a good symmetrical map), the map is symmetrical down to the spawning and weapons. The only power weapons featured are the sniper (one ontop of each base) and the shotgun (one in either side building.) Here are your pictures: overveiw of the map another overveiw red spawn just outside red base anyway if posting a G2 map is against the rules someone tell me plz and ill redact this post
i love the aesthetics of the machine looking structure in the middle and how the middle walkways make a nice little star
thanks. it was part of a standalone asthetic map b4 i realized some of the structures around it would be fun to fight on