Firstly, forgive me if I'm remembering incorrectly. Last time I played Halo 3, the Mythic pack had just been announced and Foundry mapmaking was at its peak. In Halo 3, I feel like I remember a way to change how you score in a gametype. For example, in KotH, you could make kills worth points and being in the hill worth nothing, essentially making it slayer. Is there a way to do this in Reach? I just had a brilliant idea, but it would require exactly that: A KotH variant that emulated slayer.
I'm sure there is, if you just go into the gametype and tweak it from there. You may even find a way to make your idea work even better. But you have to really understand the gametype and menus. (NO REPLY!)
I looked around in the menus a bit, and couldn't find any settings for it. Does anyone know for sure of a way to do this? Asked on the Bungie forums, from what I gathered from the the few intelligent responses I got before my thread was vanquished to page 5 in a torrent of complaint threads, you can't do it anymore, which saddens me. If anyone cares, besides the tons of other things you could do with this, I was going to make a map with a low gravity area by editing the hill's rules.
Nope, there isn't. Apparently Bungie thought it was a good idea to remove Custom Game options from Halo 3 instead of adding new ones or improving on the ones we already had. If you look at some of the other Custom Game options, you will discover that this is not the only thing that Bungie ****ed up. Sorry, but it sounds like your idea isn't going to work out.