Firebird Map Pack

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by P1MPxSLaSH, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    Welcome to TEAM DR PIMPKILL's best mappack ever! What the hell is this team? Its just me (P1MPxSLaSH) and Dr. Killmore working together on the best new Halo addiction: FIREBIRD SLAYER! The mappack consists of 3 maps and 1 special bonus map I think you'll also enjoy. Yes, the download link leads you to my fileshare which houses the entire mappack and the 2 very fun gametypes

    you might be asking: "What the hell is this gametype?" Well, Firebird Slayer is a slayer-based game using jetpacks in all classes. The gravity is lower, so you can really traverse the level farther than you would normally with a single charge of the jetpack. No, there is no infinite pack, because then, what would the ground be useful for?
    Anyway, the health of players are a tad lower to bring them down quicker, so you dont spend a half hour shooting one guy. however, you can still take more damage than you think, so dont be careless out there, flyboy, and by all means, look down! Dont risk falling off the map because you werent watching where you where falling.
    if you find the custom powerup on these maps, you can expect extra advantage over your foes for 30 seconds due to the 300% jump height increase. You can jump from the bottom to the top of the map with a single jump, so it comes in handy when your pack is recharging and you need a quick get-a-way

    Firebird Slayer Download
    Firebird King Download (broken atm)



    PLAYERS 2-10
    Download Traxus
    If you remember playing the mission Exodus in campaign, then you might recall the Traxus Factory. The Traxus Factory was where you first use the jetpack in the mission, and there was a series of platforms following the obtaining of the jetpack, which is the part of the map I've recreated. It is a smaller map meant for not more than 8 people. You can play more than that, but if you do, its hell. There's not one big area with lots of ground, just bits and peices, so use the ground carefully and make sure if you fall, you land on one of the skinny I-Beams. There's a custom powerup in the middle of the map up high on a support tower


    overhead view

    side view

    one of the bases


    PLAYERS 2-12
    Download Crane-Works
    I began making this one of my own creation, and them Killmore jumped in, giving me some good suggestions. This map consists of 3 cranes all aiming over each other, making for a jumbled mess of platforms! There are larger areas that consist of building tops and the crane operating rooms. Make sure you dont go too low on the building tops, there are some blunt objects that will instantly kill you upon landing, so keep on the cranes. The custom powerup, here, lies between all the crane hands and in the air, so grab it while you fall or fly straight up to it.


    overhead view of the level

    a view from one of the buildings below the crane hands

    one of the base buildings where blue teams start out on 2v2


    MAP 3: Suspension
    PLAYERS 2-16
    Download Suspension
    saving the best for last! Killmore and I started on this map from the start and have very carefully made this the best map in Firebird Slayer so far. The map consists of a bridge and very decorative and complex overhang supports of the massive bridge. If you fall onto the bridge road surface, you die, so its all on the supports. imagine flying with an Assault Rifle gunning down other flying people on the Manhattan Bridge's support beams and towers... its like that. You can go inside the clock-tower looking things and also under the main decorative overhangs and onto the support beams... basically anywhere but the ground or into the icy water below. The custom powerup is on one of the highest support beams between the towers.


    overhead view. remember: you can go anyhere on the bridge but the ground.

    under the main battleground, but still on the bridge. there are important weapons on these support beams

    One of the 3 towers you can enter. If you play Firebird King, you'll find that all 3 towers have hills in them



    PLAYERS 2-10
    Download Bermuda
    the bonus map! This map is meant for 1v1 or 2v2 Firebird Slayer. There is no Firebird King supported here. This map consists of a massacred plane crash at sea in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle. you can go in the plane as well as on all the floating debris and boats. this map tells a story of a group of survivors that crashed here trying to survive... and fight off the aliens! yes aliens!


    yes, that is a UFO in the background. it is not playable, its only for aesthetics.

    (this map also features my system of sound effects! thats right sound effects. walk through the airplane and hear the generator buzzing. walk on the fishing boat and hear the beeping of the broken electronics. message me for more info)

    Firebird Slayer Download
    Firebird King Download (broken atm)

    Download Traxus

    Download Crane-Works

    Download Suspension

    Download Bermuda
    Enjoy Firebird Slayer!
    #1 P1MPxSLaSH, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  2. JDB95

    JDB95 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow man these look awesome!
    I have never played firebird slayer but I can guess what it is going to be by the map designs. I'll DL and review. Until then, great work!
  3. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Killmore showed me these maps 2 days ago, and I gotta they are really really fun. The are extremely well built, and the gametype is pretty genius. Although for the third map it says map 2 instead of map 3. And those sound effects seem really cool. Good job Dr Pimpkill.
  4. Kyler

    Kyler Forerunner

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    Hey! You got it posted!
    But you should seriously consider replacing the link for Suspension, fix the Z Fighting n' what not. I take it you fixed up Traxus, right?

    And fail with Map 2: Crane-Works and Map 2: Suspension. lol... yeah fix that up along with MAPPACK and this should be a perfect post!

    Oh, and don't forget about the awesome but virtually useless Falcon on Suspension! Yes, there has been lots of lols with that Falcon... Yesss.
    #4 Kyler, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  5. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    whoops sorry bout the post fail lol fixed now. and please tell me if you find noticeable Z fighting on Suspension because Killmore says theres a lot but I didn't notice it on my xbox, so if it bothers you, plese tell one of us
  6. Purple Juiceman

    Purple Juiceman Forerunner

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    awesome map pack. i created a map with the same name as suspension, but nothing similar. sweet bunch tho. im jealous.
  7. ghost 154230

    ghost 154230 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    suspension really grabbed my attention. I have been seeking a good bridge map that is actually playable and for small team battles. Great Job! Feedback soon.
  8. Kyler

    Kyler Forerunner

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    #8 Kyler, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2010
  9. Grimsby

    Grimsby Forerunner

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    Traxus has to be my favorite of the maps, it's simpleness in design left for some very solid gameplay, and is a blast for jetpack only games.

    MASSAIKUR Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    yes yes and yes this is awesome!
  11. Kyler

    Kyler Forerunner

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  12. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    thanks for the downloads guys. another map pack should be coming soon so keep your eyes peeled
  13. JDB95

    JDB95 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I played all these maps except traxus and I have to say, I really loved Bermuda. The Gameplay worked really well on this map, and the theme and aesthetics were awesome. I would personally advise removing the respawn point on the really high UFO, as it is semi-pointless and interupts the flow of the game. Suspension, while having great gameplay, was not my favorite because my fellow players and I kept dieing because we went to low, It seems as if you should put a couple more lower places to stand on Suspension. Overall awesome gameplay I look forward to more firebird maps in the future.
    #13 JDB95, Oct 17, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2010
  14. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    Suspension was incredibly easy to escape -- you can effortlessly jetpack over the coliseum walls and into Quarry. Besides that, though, it was a pretty decent map.

    Traxus has a few problems too. Hard kill boxes are used to liberally, causing some unwarranted deaths. Players may be drawn to your magnificent scenery, only to be zapped by a hard kill barrier. Use soft kill barriers in some areas, distinguish between the playable level and off-limits scenery, and give players more room to recover from falls.

    Crane, while it didn't suffer any of these same problems, just seemed like an all-around weak map. It didn't look like it was very well thought out; it was all very random.

    Bermuda was probably the best in aesthetics. The sound effects were a nice touch (hidden fusion coils and mines were somewhat predictable, and if I hadn't known they were for just for effect I'd have searched for the source). Also, instant respawning propane tanks are a no-no. For some reason, I spawned on top of the UFO hovering above the map once; you might have accidentally left a spawn point up there.

    All in all, the Firebird map pack a varied set of jetpack-optimized environments sprinkled impressive aesthetics. Each map has its flaws, though, and these may detract from the otherwise-fun experience.
  15. skabeds

    skabeds Ancient
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    I DL'd Suspension. Really nice design. I wanted to see how you guys did the street lines. Smart. My only question... and complaint... is, is it a Jet-pack only map? There is no way to move in between levels without it an the actual bridge is not even a playing space. That was kind of annoying. Especially since I had to commit suicide 5 times from the Red initial spawn just to get spawned on a lower portion of the map.
  16. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    im guessing you didnt read one word of my post lol and just looked at the screenshots. and yes the "Firebird Map Pack" is a jet-pack game and requires the gametype

    also, you can all expect a new Firebird Map pack coming soon

    drainage pipe
    off-shore oil rig
    #16 P1MPxSLaSH, Oct 19, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2010

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