Hello, welcome to my first map The Pillar of Autumn. I hope I'm posting this in the right place, ok to a certain extent it is a asthetic map, but I'm hoping it plays well to! so its not just for show!!!!! There is also a picture of this on the Bungie weekly update :Bungie.net : Bungie Weekly Update: 09/24/10 : 9/24/2010 2:50 PM PDT right at the bottom! Ok, this is roughly inspired by the original Pillar of Autumn in Halo CE. Intended for 1 flag/bomb gametypes mainly but also slayer and infection, Big team battle would be best if you have the people! This shows the front of the Autumn and Blue base, there is a teleporter on the right leading to the bridge, man cannons lead from both sides to the center. blue base also has a teleporter to get from the bottom of the cliff to the top. Blue's have access to the spartan lazer and the sniper Rifle (also DMRs) in the middle of the beach there is a shotgun and to the right near the teleport there is a mounted machine gun and rockets. A man cannon leads from blue base to the Hanger: Ramp leading down from the hanger, to the right the hallway leading to the flag and MAC cannon: (there are some blast sheild that are not shown in this picture) Rockets also in the corner where the camera is, and a stairway leading to the lower deck. Lower deck includes the Mess Hall, Armoury and Bridge: Armoury has numerous Assault rifles, DMR's and Pistols, also a Grenade launcher. Bridge has a Pistol with one mag! Upper deck is mainly a hallway that extends to the MAC cannon, and Flag: The warthog can be driven all the way to the flag, which is very close to the MAC gun (man cannon) for a quick exit. which lands you nicely on the center of the beach. then all you have to do is get the flag to the teleport up to blue base! If anybody remembers Relic this was designed to be similar in the way you get to the flag and also the fight on the beach to get the flag back to the base. Feedback and constructive criticism welcome I could use feedback on the weapon placement, vehicles, and spawns Thanks for looking : ) Remember you need a custom powerup with 5 seconds invinceablility, or you will die from the MAC gun fall!
i remember relic yes, and this map seems to be very cool. perfect for campaign matches( of course you dont know what that is) but im wondering if the other team has equal artillery and weapons? i think ther should be more beach objects or debris. and the weapins shouldnt all be in on spot accesible to both teams. there has to be more assorted weapons around the ship. but still downloading cause its awesome.
That's totally awesome! I saw it before on B.net, but just thought it was a sculpture...never knew it was a playable map! And it looks fantastic. Nice job.
Hi, thanks for the feedback, the attackers probabley do have more access to power weapons (sniper and lazer). although the defenders reasonabley easy access to two Rocket launchers and the grenade launcher. both teams have a reasonabley equal chance of getting the shotgun. I did have a shot gun in the Autumn itself, but I took it out as I thought it would be a bit overpowered for them to start with it and have access to another! What are people's opinions on the vehicles are there to many? their mainly there to look nice at the moment. I thought as most of the combat would be inside and at relitivly close range the vehicles wouldnt be that usefull (with the exeption of the warthog), although this does change abit when things get outside! should one of the defenders rockets be replaced with a lazer to counter some vehicles at longer ranges?
DLed after I saw it in the BWU, and it's great! I haven't played on it yet, but the aesthetics are amazing! And it's sad that you ran out of budget for the rear of the ship :/ Would've looked even better.
i made this map too but only the bridge,i have not had the chance to upload it to this websit yet ...give it a try =pBungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
Yeah, I realised about halfway through I would have no chance finishing it. so i just put a death barrier towards the rear of the ship, afterall theres no real reaon for people to go there and thats what bungie does lol its not as detailed as I would have liked, I had to delete most of it just to get everything in!
Q'd for download. I have to hand it to you, based on photos. It appears you tried to make the inner rooms really look like this inside of the Autumn. Looking forward to trying it.
hahahah this is funny the pillar doesnt has a back and the number of rooms is minim... im gonna make a better one but anyways does someone know how to get screens from your xbox to your pc?? is it possible?
First off, I'm sure you get the option to upload your pictures on to bungie or something then just take them from bungie and save them on your computer. I'll look forward to seeing your map I've been pretty dissapointed with the other POA remakes. (except the bridge remake a bit further up its very detailed!!!). Yeah, I was very dissapointed that I couldnt finish the rear of the autumn, I've been going over the whole map and I've managed to 'free up' about 12 items in the block section (and about $150), at the moment i'm thinking making the statis room where you start Halo CE. So whats everyones opinion on this? would I be better spending this on finishing the top of the Autumn? my argument being that in a normal game you'll never see up there and there are death barriers and the in game barriers preventing you going that high. But come on I could be wrong, Give me your opinions! I'm not sure I could ever finish the back, it would need about 6 (or more!) collosium walls just to fill it in and thats without engine detail!!! Also has anybody got any opinions on the vehicles, im my opinion there are probabley to many, they were mainly there to fill up the hanger. In game terms i think one warthog and a falcon would be ok. I might just put a block in front of the tank to stop people driving it and just leave it mainly for show? Thanks, I have to say I thought your submersion map was great, one of my favorites so far! I just didnt like how you couldnt tell where the edge was under water
I'm going to try it. It looks good so far! Added after 10 minutes: No way! A great Aesthetic Map.. Fused with the gameplay characteristics of a playable map!
You think along the same lines I did with my my frigate map. Mine originally had a pair of Scorpions, 2 warthogs and a falcon. I soon discovered it caused too much trouble and reduced it to a single falcon. Also, you'll save yourself a ton of budget if you remove them. People can always re-add them if they want them.
Thank you! I've already addressed that in my work on version 1.1 thanks to feedback - hopefully within a week I'll have it ready for DL. It all depends on whether I can squeeze in Invasion support or not. I love the working MAC gun!
hey i wanted to post my pillar 2 like i said but how to post my map??? Added after 4 Hours 9 minutes: w8 i got it all only the pictures wont show:S but i got the post and the solution just search for the pillar of autumn slayer map and you'll find it Added after 8 Hours 25 minutes: my pillar of autumn map was CLOSED i dont ****ing understand. i made this myself and i worked on it for like 3 hours... a motherfucker said i didnt made the map i just cpyd but i DIDNT, grimfandango please take alook at my pillar....
Yeah, had a quick look at your pictures, its not mine, yours is built in a differn't part of forgeworld. Thanks Well, i've more or less finished the chiefs cryotube/stasis room whatever you call it, its a little on the bare side due to budget, but not to bad. might post a picture of it later. I deleted some vehicles but the hanger looks way to empty without them, I may bring back a falcon in place of the tank, just to fill it up???