Map Title: Magniradial Defend non-stop raids from all directions Download MagniradialMap : Download RAIDial Gametype : Description: 4-10 Players. Magniradial consists of a base with many ways in and out of it. Attackers can take a man canon directly over and in to the base, climb a staircase, or teleport to the roof along with many other ways to raid the base and capture the flag. Once you have stolen the flag, capture it in one of the many returns. Magniradial is built as a one sided CTF map, with RAIDial gametype built for it, but is not needed. I do suggest you set the spawns to 3 seconds, though, so the raids are fast paced and continual. Magniradial has a very nice appeal and uses many glitches to help it out, including interlocking and floating objects. It is an extremely fun CTF map, and I hope you take a look at it. Pictures: An overvew of the map; The attacker's spawn (energy sword, sniper rifle, flare, mongoose, brute shot, many frags and plasmas, battle rifle); The flag/base (battle rifle, sniper rifle, plasma pistol, trip mine, 2 flame grenades, power drain); The roof (shotgun, flamethrower, dual maulers by teleporter, regenerator); The wire spool blaster: blow up a fusion coil which then sends the wire spools slamming into the base wiping out and enemy gaurding. You can also enter and exit the base from there; Time took to make: 8 hours Finished: 5/4/08
this doesn't look that bad. however i think you could improve it by interlocking some more things to make it neater. other than that it looks like it would be good for one sided objective games.
Looks well made for the most part. I like the idea of the wire spool launchers, but instead of stacking the fusion coils on top of each other you should float a teleporter and put them on top of it instead. Also, it is a bit sloppy with the bridge in the second to last picture and some of the mancannons, so clean it up a bit if you can.
Lay out looks okay, execution of layout is questionable. THis looks extremely sloppy, I highly reccommend interlocking your objects
I'd say someone should lock this topic....the threads on the Bungie forums have been deleted, makes me think that Pizza might have actually BEEN scamming.
Well to answer some of the concerns. I did in fact make this map. yomtvraps is my brother, I used his xbox360 and his xbox live account to create the map. He removed it from the fileshare because he did not think I could make a map with 100+ downloads like he did (and he's not very friendly). I guess I will have my friend add it to his fileshare so it can not be deleted. Only before I do that, I will make improvements like suggested. Thanks for all the constructive criticism, and I will will be back with a v2 in around 2 weeks. Sorry for the confusion, and I guess this thread can be locked, as the map and gametype no longer are downloadable. One more thing, Magniradial comes from: Magni=Great/large; radial=from all directions(and the first syllable sounds like raid). So great raiding from all directions.
For some reason I don't believe you're his brother, and I do think some interlocking can be used in this map for the better.
It sounds believeable, based on the posts by both of them. If he did steal the map, why is it still on the creator's fileshare? They're just arguing about who can use it, so they obviously know each other. This is now locked, since you can no longer download the maps.