I'm currently making a invasion map and the main piece is a gigantic Gauss Cannon. I was seeing if anybody could give a ideas on what to do to make the cannon look more natural without using more building blocks or what I should add to it. (Walk ways, radio antenas, Ect.) Here are the pictures: Please comment.
You can make a sort of generator close by, with wiring that leads towards the gauss cannon. Maybe a counterbalance for the barrel, a magazine rack, and antennae.
Magnetic Accelleration / MAC / Gauss cannon would be long and thin, so there is more time to accelerate the object. It's also an electric machine, so maybe some blue glows or electrical themed objects. If your worried about detail, then it's best to start using smaller objects to make what you want to make.
I already thought of the generators. I should probably add lights to it like you said matty. Now I want it to look like it blew up at the end because it is going to be invasion assault. I was going to make the first bomb in the first generator then the second bomb in the second generator then the third bomb under the Mac Cannon, where the main facicility is. If I have enough pieces I'm going to make each building disappear and add a ruined building with the help of inv_gates and inv_(what ever the one is where they add objects). Any more detail suggestions?
Cool statue piece. I bet it'll look cool once you get it constructed. What about hte rest of the map?
It's just going to be built around that main piece and there is going to be a ship yard near it to. I'm slowly working on about 5 maps right now. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I hate to say this but I think I overestimated my self... I've terminated my work.