This map came about from an idea of wanting to make an octagonal map, with 8 sections to play on, and named after Odins 8 legged horse. I soon decided that one level wasnt enough and added two more floors. After spawning in base u are given the choice to go left or right, or of course, run forward and jump down to the next level quickly. The first thing u will find is a a transition section leading up and down from level 1 and 2. Stay on the first floor, past the transitions you will come to identical rooms on either side, however one will have armor lock, and the other sprint. Both however you will find a Needle rifle as well. If went to level 2, to the left or right from the bases you'll find the Sniper rooms. And directly below the base there is the transition from level 2 to 3, where u will also find a plasma pistol. Venture a little further into the sniper rooms and u will find a hole in the ground. Feel free to jump into it, as you'll be taken to from level 2, under level 3 via a man cannon (To speed up the pace, and avoid straight in a long distance tunnel.) There is also a soft kill zone on a section of the tunnel to avoid people camping in the tunnel and to promote movement. This is level 3.5 and the lowest point of the map, not enough to warrant a whole new floor. Its just a half step down. Poetically, you'll find a Jet pack at the lowest point, leaving no where to go with it other than up. Above jet pack lays Rockets, and the only way up is The gravity lifts on either side of level 3. And that about does it for pictures. I hope the flow chart style with its descriptions helps to under stand the map more, as it can be difficult to understand exactly whats going on with just pictures alone. Weapons DMR x8 Needle Rifle x8 Sniper Rifle x2 1 spare clip Rocket Launcher x1 Plasma Pistol x2 Frag Grenade x4 Plasma Grenade x4 Armor Abilities Sprint x1 Armorlock x1 Jetpack x1 (Weapon layout and armor abilities are all subject to change) So that about wraps things up. I hope everyone enjoys the map, and I thank everyone who checks it out. I encourage everyone to comment back giving me your thoughts, and of course to download! Take care.
I wouldn't be worried about people camping in the tunnel, as tunnels in general are "throw grenade here" signs. Cool map.