Aquatic (OFFICIAL VERSION HAS BEEN POSTED) >>FINAL VERSION CLICK HERE<< Anyway it is a map that is ankle to knee deep in water (no more than knee deep). It is symmetrical, slayer, and thats my map. Remember some things might be changed. Map Names: Whitewash (Nibs Idea) Drainage (Nibs Idea) Aquatic (jameslieb1 idea) Please help if you have any good name ideas What weapons do you think I should have on my map, or take off of my map. So far i have: 1x Sniper 2x Needle Rifles 2x DMRS 1x Shotgun 1x Grenade Launcher Grenades 4x Frag Grenades 2x Sticky Grenades Here are a few quick pictures I took (I have changed some things in the map since i took these pictures, the roof is gone, a few ground objects have been removed and added) Overview of the map The middle there is a tunnel with a sniper in it and man cannons shooting you out to some cover. Picture of one base
This looks solid and simplistic. May I suggest removing the cieling since it makes it seem too boxed in and bland/colorless. May I suggets calling this "The Tank".
I was thinking that too but people could just jet pack out of the map, even if i put a soft kill zone it still wouldn't be good because people could fly out to heal then come back in. Any suggestions on what i should do?
Not sure i can add walls considering i am very low on them, and hard kill zone would be a little too much. If people were using jet pack to get away then they go to high and die instantly. But if i can make the walls higher i will do that and add a soft kill zone half way up.
May I suggest adding more of a non flooded playing field too. Playing underwater is just going to make slayer a guessing game.
These are what I thought of for the name: Flash Flood Storm Chaser Drainage Abyssal Plain Whitewash EDIT: madd, he said it's only knee-high water.
Thanks, I really like the name Drainage, Whitewash, and Flashflood. I think I am going to use one of those names your probably gonna see one of those names in the next week. Like I said its only knee deep or less.
If you're out of walls, use something else as walls, like the bottom of a ramp or something. And for a name, I think Aquatic sounds cool.
If you are having issues with Leaving the map simply go into the spawn sub section of forge objects, and select "Soft Safe Zone". Anyone leaving the zone will be warned to return to the combat zone. It Serves as a Reverse Kill Zone if you will. As for a name, might I suggest. "Immersion"
UPDATE: I am editing this map right now i have plenty of walls now because i deleted the roof walls. I am making the walls TWICE as high and am going to have a soft kill zone half way up. I am also having trouble getting the wall coliseum's to line up with eachother. I will use coordinates and they look right but when i come back they are not lined up with each other. Anyone got a solution?
I voted Whitewash, thought it seemed fitting. About the coliseum wall problem, they are rectangles, not squares, so make sure you have them all facing the same way.
I am going to try that out and see if it works, and if it does you saved me a lot trouble I had coming. EDIT: Also BTW Nibs what weapons do you think I should have on my map, or take off of my map. So far i have: 1x Sniper 2x Needle Rifles 2x DMRS Grenades 4x Frag Grenades 2x Sticky Grenades
I think a shotgun would be worth a try. It looks like you've got some good close quarters areas mapped out. The other weapons you listed sound fine, but then again, that's what testing is for.
I would help you out personally, but because I have no mic, I can't really do that very efficiently. So I am going to refer you to this thread because it is about spawns. It is from halo 3, but there are still many things useful in there.
UPDATE: I think I am officially done with my map, I have done all the finishing touches. All that is left to do is spawns which I don't know how I am going to finish, so if any of you know how to do good spawns please help me. I also need to choose between the name Whitewash or Drainage, I personnaly like Whitewash better but Drainage has more votes currently. PLEASE HELP WITH SPAWNS!
I can help you with your spawns as I've just finished spawns on acouple of my maps. I'm usually on after 9pm GMT. Just send me a friend request and an invite next time you're online.
Thanks for offering, someone in the chat box told me how all about spawns and how they weren't that difficult so I am doing them by myself. Thanks anyway.
You can also look into the maps that Bungie made and see how they set up their spawns points. This also helped me figure out how to set up gametypes as well.
Update: I have got spawns working good so the map will need testing soon, hopefully I can officially post the final version at the end of the week sometime.