Shloopy v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Linubidix, Apr 27, 2008.

  1. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    L i n u b i d i x P r e s e n t s
    Shloopy - V2.


    Link -

    In Shloopy - V2. the central area, Main Ramp, The Tunnel and the Weapons have been updated.
    If you haven't seen Shloopy V1, it is a small aysmmetric map that use timed map events very well. What Im mean by that is, the weapon you pick up at the start will not be there next time, instead something else will be.

    Weapons -
    • Carbine becomes BR
    • BR becomes Carbine
    • Mauler becomes Plasma Rifle
    • 2 Plasma Nades becomes 2 Spike Nades
    • 2 Spike nades becomes 2 Plasma nades
    • Beam Rifle becomes Sniper Rifle
    • Shotgun w/ 1 spare clip becomes Shotgun w/ 0 spare clips
    • Spartan Laser becomes Active Camo
    • Oversheild becomes 2 Firebombs
    • Power Drain becomes Bubble Sheild
    • Brute Shot doesnt swap with anything
    Originally in V1 there was a Sword/Shotgun where the brute shot is but because of the sword complete dominance in this map it was removed. Most rooms have 2 entrances/exits so sheild doors have been placed to avoid spawn killing.
    The rooms - Central Area, Base A, Main Ramp, Sniper Perch, Tunnel and Green Room.

    The Tunnel
    Down the starirs from the Main Ramp leading to the tunnel is where the Laser/Camo is located. At the corner of the tunnel is the Oversheild/Firebombs spawn point. The tunnel is a series of well interlocked open double and single boxes. At the end of the tunnel is where the shotgun is located and at the very end of the tunnel is a sender which takes you to the green room.
    The Green Room
    The Green Room is a small area, tiny bit bigger than an open box, which has several receivers, mainly for aesthetic purposes, and a sheild door at its only exit/entrance but if you decide to camp in there, be careful, someone could come from the tunnel and assassinate you. Straight out of the Green Room is the Central Area.
    Central Area
    There isnt much to say about the central area, its a curved suface ground with a mauler/plasma rifle in the middle and a Carbine/BR in the Corner. This area has minimal cover. Up the stairs from the central area is Base A
    Base A
    Base A is smooth area made from many merged double boxes. In the corner is 2 Plasma/2 Spikes and on the A Sign is a BR/Carbine. There is a receiver from the sniper perch. This has two entrances/exits, one connected from the central area and the other leads to the main ramp, in between Base A and Main Ramp is a Sheild door.
    Main Ramp
    At the sheild door is a small perch and underneath that perch is a Brute Shot. There are no Weapons on the actual perch itself but on the wall is a the power drain/bubble sheild. On the side of the Main Ramp is a sheild door which leads to the Central Area. On the other side is the starirs leading to the Tunnel. At the top of the Main Ramp is the Sniper Perch.
    Sniper Perch
    The sniper perch is rather small. It has the Beam/Sniper Rifle and Plasma/Spike Nades. There is a Teleporter behind the wall which send you to Base A.

    I think that may be the most descriptive text for a map.


    The Central Area

    The Central Area from another view, Base A shown

    Base A

    A closer look, the receiver from sniper perch is shown

    Looking into Base A from behind the Sheild Door

    A turn to the left, looking at the Main Ramp from the small perch

    A few steps forward, the sniper perch can be seen

    Looking down the main ramp from sniper perch, the sender isn't shown

    Looking into the Tunnel from the side of the Main Ramp

    Looking out from the Tunnel Entrance

    Looking towards the end of the tunnel, where you can see the sender

    Which takes you to the Green Room

    I am extremely happy with how this turned out so don't expect any more versions.
    I hope you enjoy Shloopy Version 2.
    Comments are highly appreciated.

    If you didn't see it up top, here is the link to Shloopy - V2.

    Love, Linubidix
    #1 Linubidix, Apr 27, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2008
    N1NJ4 likes this.
  2. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    Extremely sloppy, just like my maps! (Don't worry, that's a good thing)
    I like it, very nice.
    And yeah, it sure is tomorrow where I live.
  3. yuross13

    yuross13 Ancient
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    Love it way better then version 1, the weapon balance is alot better.
  4. TankedGrif

    TankedGrif Ancient
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    Looks very, very good. I'll download as soon as I clear some space.

    *Turns on Xbox 360*

    Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
  5. darkmuse19

    darkmuse19 Ancient
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    weapon placement is better than 1st one and the creativity of the map with the interlocking is excellent. good job
  6. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
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    lots of interlocking good job !
  7. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    lots and lots of interlocking, great job!
  8. Curran92

    Curran92 Ancient
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    i dont know if i like this whole idea of making everything look all messy but ill give it a dl
  9. sheepdog136

    sheepdog136 Ancient
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    lol looks great...worth a DL... lol looks extremly confusing

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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    what are you kidding me look at all that interlocking

    o and this looks like a good map some of the interlocking looks a little sloppy but it might be that you were trying to get a destroyed look i cant really tell from the pictures so i am going to download it and check it out
  11. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    how many times has this guy spammed and just said cool map and awesome map. i've seen the same reply in a couple of other threads.

    Back on topic: looks like a very confusing but interesting map. and nice job on all the interlocking.
  12. Banana Peel

    Banana Peel Ancient
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    like it alot, nice work
  13. Recon

    Recon Ancient
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    looks fricken sickkk, im DL'ing. check mine out also vvvvv
  14. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Could you not promote your map in my thread, maybe there's a reason you need to promote it in other people's map threads. The people here on Forgehub really dont like cross promotion.
  15. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    You're blind, aren't you? Seriously, way to be a douche
  16. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Thanks everyone for your comments, and to that idiot who said "Dang Next time Interlock", you are blind. Essentailly everything in this map is interlocked with something else. If anyone wants to play on it, or any other maps, feel free to msg me.
  17. a-groeper

    a-groeper Ancient
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    These are catacombs of death. It looks like it would be pretty difficult for newcomers to the map to play effectively, but all the complexity just adds to the fun. I would suggest adding more tunnels, but that idea has already been overused.
  18. o0 god 0o

    o0 god 0o Ancient
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    amazing interlocking and the gameplayis excellent
  19. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    i was first there when linubidix was half way through making v1. it has come along way and it works and plays very well. it has very good interlocking and deserves a download.
  20. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks Schloopalicious.

    .........I get weird when I'm tired. And I still AM tired.

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