(worldnetdaily.com) Broderick Lloyd Laswell says he isn't happy that he's lost 105 pounds over the past eight months and is down to 308 pounds ... http://wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=62765
This made me laugh, what a fatty. Anways, there have been other incidents where obese people have sued because of their weight. One lady went into a store and asked to use the restroom. BTW she was huge, anyways so she goes to use teh bathroom and sits on the commode and she crushes the toilet. So, she sues the owner becuase the owner did not display a sign that marked the max weight the toilet could hold. I mean what would the sign have said? "No people over 400 pds. can take a crap here" or "Sorry fatasses your gonna break the toilet."
LOL is that Penguinish? *hardy har har Penguin, veeeery funny. Ill remember that in the future if i were to by some odd reason become a mod here. you have been warned >:/ ....preety good burn though.
After reading this I thought to myself, "Superchubby Alby sues over repeated offenses by Dom says Oi".
The only thing missing here is sex. We've got the stupidity, we've got some fat guy, and we've got the violence. How the hell did that planetoid kill the victim? By having his accomplice knock the guy out and sitting on him? Someone that obese shouldn't be able to move fast enough to kill someone. People will sue for anything nowadays. I've heard stories of someone who successfully sued a homeowner after he broke his leg falling down the stairs after tripping on a skateboard held by the homeowners son. The catch? The guy was a robber. He broke his leg in the wee hours of the night. And seriously, 108 pounds over 8 months? I'm no expert on the human body, but that doesn't sound like a horrendously large amount, considering he's probably exercising for the first time in his life and actually eating meals sized for all us normal people.
Its ridiculous if he expects to win this case. They're given roughly 3000 calories worth of food in a day, that is no where near starvation...I hope the courts make an example of this. People are so quick to sue these days.
quote: On this man's original charge, did he eat the victim? BAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAH ROFLMFAO!!!! I am friggin speechless, this made me geek out so hard..