Back story: Chiliad is a small industrial district that has been operating peacefully for thousands of years. That ended when it became a war zone in a fight for power between two political groups. by the time the covenant come around, this barren ground already knows the ways of war, a little too well. Its said that it is cursed, to be a battle ground for as long as it ran peacefully (1,000 years). And at the moment, theres no signs of stopping, because there is massive amounts of equipment that was left behind. The map: Its moderately sized with two major bases (red and blue). It will support every type of starting loadout, EXCEPT that i do not recommend the jet pack, simply because how it would change gameplay. the weapons are as followed; 6 DMRs 4 health packs 2 magnums 2 Needle rifles 1 Grenade launcher 1 energy sword 1 sniper rifle Now for the part you all have been waiting for PICTURES~! PLZ download and tell me what you think! i love feed back, and without it cant hope to improve my forging. Thank you for checking out the map ^_^
Hey, the map looks awesome and plays pretty good as well, but theres only one problem theres not enough cover in certain areas. But in all awesome job
The top of the building in the first two pictures is not aesthetically pleasing with how the pieces are phased together, I would recommend contemplating on the creation of a better roof. I hope that the energy sword in the middle isn't fixed, because that creates a big problem. For one, fixed weapons because physical, meaning people can jump on it and not walk through it. Two, once you pick that fixed weapon, if you drop it again in any way, it will be fixed mid air again and you will not be able to pick it back up. Of course, the energy sword could be laying down, but it's hard to tell from a 2D picture, so please don't jump on me if it's not.
oh, seriously? it is standing up fixed, but i didnt know about the floating in mid air thing, it didnt seem to come up during the testing... i will have to go change that in verison 2
hey man map looks great. only suggestion i have is to improve the roofs on the bases. i feel like if u spent a little more time on the roofs and made them so there wasnt huge corners sticking out it would look alot better