Where Eagles Dare (Invasion)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ManRayX, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looking for playtesters. Where Eagles Dare is a 3 phase invasion map where the invaders are Spartans.

    Storm the beach get the bomb.


    Destroy the gates.

    Kill the generators.....[​IMG]

    to open the doors and…
    activate the mancannon to....[​IMG]

    Get upstairs to steal the core....[​IMG]

    On foot.....[​IMG]

    Or catch a ride back to the ship.[​IMG]


    I added additional Phase 2 and 3 fireteam spawns and created two vehicle heavy backfield spawns. This allows players to get back in the action quick. The ship is a backfield spawn in all three phases but starting in Phase2 you get a Falcon spawning every 20 seconds.

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1920x1080 and weights 195KB.

    Yeah it sounds a bit fast but considering the time it takes to fly to the phase 2 and 3 objectives it actually balanced out perfectly. Also starting in Phase2 you get another backfield spawn Scorpion and Rocket Hog at a forward base I created. Enclosed by rocks it can't be reached by the Elites.

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1920x1080 and weights 336KB.

    One of the additional fireteam spawns appears in Phase 2. It's a little speedboat with a machine gun turret I built at the foot of one of the Phase2 objective generators. It’s near the mancannon to the base where the core spawns.

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1920x1080 and weights 214KB.

    Also in Phase3 everyone gets a jetpack load out so you can reach the core spawn.

    I'm looking for mature forgers/players to test weapon/loadout balance. Alpha test for spawns and initial loadouts is complete so what I’m really looking for is feedback on playability of the map as a whole. My friends list is full so message me on this thread with your gamertag and I will send you a FR. Testing will be this Saturday night 10/23/10 1030pm EST (230am GMT). Thanks MRX

    YouTube - Where Eagles Dare
    #1 ManRayX, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2010
  2. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    I wouldn't mind helping to playtest. I should be on around 9:30 (my time zone) on Thursday. My gamertag is to the left, in the post details.
  3. Vbdude

    Vbdude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a great map. just a question, so the generators work like in Generator Defense in the beta or is it an assault objective?

    Sorry I can't playtest, I'm in a completely different time zone :(
    #3 Vbdude, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  4. TwoLazyAsses

    TwoLazyAsses Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My gamertag is to the side i'd love to play some sort of new invasion i'll be on so yah
  5. AMac

    AMac Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I was making a map like this, but yours blows it completely out of the water. I'd love to help playtest, but that's too late for me to be on :( if you're having any other test sessions I'll definitely help out. +1 for the Iron Maiden reference.
  6. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    This is an interesting concept, I like the fact that you used land, water, and a floor as battlegrounds. Destroy the gates part is pretty cool to. Im really excited about this, im looking forward to get it.
  7. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    This looks great, but the bridge might be too much of a choke point. Can you post a better overview and a download link please. I'd like to see this in more detail.
  8. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    More details to come...

    Thanks and sorry you wont make it. Clearing some space on my friends list will send you an invite so you can try it with us later. Love Iron Maiden but the reference was to the 1968 classic film Where Eagles Dare. It was originally going to be a Navarrone type assault/invasion map. Check out it's stars Clint Eastwood and Richard Burton kicking some **** ass.

    YouTube - Where Eagles Dare - **** Death Count!

    Added after 2 minutes:

    So far the bridge hasnt proven to be a choke point. There are other aspects of phase two that I will put in the DL post that will show the forward spawns, and heavy artillery backfield spawns that balanced out the action.

    Added after 2 Days 15 Hours:

    I will also be testing a Invasion Slayer variant (due to requirement in the Bungie Forgetacular contest) this upcoming Thursday Night 10/21/10 10:30pm EST

    #8 ManRayX, Oct 15, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  9. Graybes

    Graybes Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey ManRayX I actually managed to play this map last night with you. Not sure if you remember. I really liked it. The first phase is different but works. Sadly, I never got to see the 3rd phase and that is why I am here. I just feel like the second phase is just too hard for the attacking team. I feel the bridge does create too much of a choke point since it is the only path to the 2 capture points. And even if you make it all the way down the bridge you still have to go on another path to one of the points to capture.

    In the 2 rounds we played, the first round the attacking team didn't even make it near one of the capture areas and the second round we only managed to shave off 3 seconds of the 20 seconds of the capture time. The bridge is also pretty long and it takes a while for the attacking team to even travel to the capture areas.

    So that is just my 2 cents.
  10. TheNobleNemesis

    TheNobleNemesis Forerunner

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    Looks interesting. What kinds of vehicles are there?
  11. Floods

    Floods Forerunner

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    Was this named after Iron Maiden by any chance? :D
  12. Vbdude

    Vbdude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I was thinking the same thing, but he posted earlier in this thread explaining where the name came form
  13. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    In Phase 2 you get a Scorpion, Rocket Hog, Sniper and Rockets at the Phase2/3 backfield spawn, and you get a Falcon and Rockets back at the ship (the Phase1/2/3 Backfield spawn) I will update with pics later today.


    Edited by merge:

    In Phase 2 you get a Scorpion, Rocket Hog, Sniper and Rockets at the Phase2/3 backfield spawn, and you get a Falcon and Rockets back at the ship (the Phase1/2/3 Backfield spawn) I will update with pics later today.


    Edited by merge:

    I appreciate the feedback that's why I run the tests. I added additional Phase 2 and 3 fireteam spawns and created two vehicle heavy backfield spawns. This allows players to get back in the action quick. The ship is a backfield spawn in all three phases but starting in Phase2 you get a Falcon spawning every 20 seconds.


    Yeah it sounds a bit fast but considering the time it takes to fly to the phase 2 and 3 objectives it actually balanced out perfectly. Also starting in Phase2 you get another backfield spawn Scorpion and Rocket Hog at a forward base I created. Enclosed by rocks it can't be reached by the Elites.


    One of the additional fireteam spawns appears in Phase 2. It's a little speedboat with a machine gun turret I built at the foot of one of the Phase2 objective generators. It’s near the mancannon to the base where the core spawns.


    Also in Phase3 everyone gets a jetpack load out so you can reach the core spawn.

    I'm working out the Invasion Slayer version of the map and should have it tested and posted by the end of this week.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    #13 ManRayX, Oct 23, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2010

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