Remake Boarding Action 2

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by bertaki, Oct 16, 2010.

  1. bertaki

    bertaki Forerunner

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    First and foremost, hello. My name is Bertaki, but you're welcome to call me Taki (tah-key) for short. I'm new to the site (although, I have browsed and window shopped here plenty back during the Halo 3 days). Nevertheless, a formal introduction seemed appropriate, especially considering this will mark my first submission (albeit still only an Alpha build).



    Before I go any further, however, I felt the need to make two major clarifications. First and foremost, I want to extend major props and kudos to Evolved04, whose Boarding Action map is really what inspired me to give this a go.

    The second clarification that needs to be made is that this is NOT a brick-by-brick remake of the classic Boarding Action you love and remember. I wish it were, but alas it isn't. I would like to think, however, that it is quite close and, more importantly, seems to have the "feel." But I leave it for you to be the judge.



    The first thing you will notice is that the bases are slightly further apart than Halo: CE's map. But not so far, however, to make it impossible to kill somebody with a DMR or pistol. This encompasses two key elements of gameplay:

    1. Player moment - I wanted to remain true to the original map's game flow. At the same time, however, I realized this is a new game with new elements that needed to be considered. In particular, players who know how to properly operate a jet pack can propel themselves from one side to the next, provided they watch their thrusters. The gap is far enough apart, however, that one false move or overextend thruster burn and you will plummet to your doom. This by design. I wanted the jet pack to be a viable option, but not so overbearing that it takes over the gameplay flow of the level. It's a long trip, and it is relatively easy to fall short of clearing the gap.


    2. Falcons - Yes, I said Falcons. What sort of boarding party would not use some form of boarding craft? Well, certainly not your boarding party if you're playing on this map, that's for sure! To encourage players to utilize the lowest tier of each base, a Falcon landing pad has been erected for payload deployment and/or support fire. The downside to this, however, is that pilots must keep in mind that rockets now lock on to flying vehicles AND, as if that wasn't enough, there are plasma launchers located at each base. In other words, there are plenty of ways to clip your bird's wings. And once the Falcon is destroyed, you'll be without air support for the maximum-allowed respawn time.


    The other thing that you will realize right out of the gate is that, while each base supports five levels, each tier is not an exact replica of the original map. You will see certain memorable landmarks (sniper nest, rocket room, etc.), but the layout itself has been altered indefinitely.

    All teleporters will take you to the exact place on the opposite base, save one on each base. On the fourth tier of each base, the teleporter closest to the Needler Rifle spawn will take player's to that base's fifth level, which houses the sniper perch and Grenade Launcher spawn (though, obviously, not in the same exact place).

    Finally, yes, the weapons have been changed up a bit. Nothing too drastic, though. DMRs, Needle Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Needlers, Pistols, Grenade Launchers, Plasma Launchers, Shotguns - they all made the cut. Primary gameplay will likely be DMR/Pistols, though. At least, that's what I've experienced so far.


    I'm curious about respawns. I'm still relatively new to forging and have found spawn placement to be the most confusing part of the process. If you playtest the level with friends, please let me know what works/doesn't work with spawns I've designated. This map is still in an Alpha stage, in my opinion, so there are bound to be bugs.

    I'm also curious about how the Falcons work with objective games like CTF. Do they enrich or hurt the overall experience? And, on a lesser note, whether my Territories Retro gametype is considered fun to play on this map.

    All other comments, suggestions are totally welcome! I'm curious to see what others think. Just please keep in mind that this is only a preliminary build. I intend on improving it over the course of time provided constructive criticism is offered and the map overall is enjoyed by enough people.



    SLAYER - Red Team, Blue Team, Lone Wolves
    CTF - Normal CTF, Red and Blue Teams
    TERRITORIES - Best played with accompanying custom gametype. (See link above)
    #1 bertaki, Oct 16, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2010
  2. Kyler

    Kyler Forerunner

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    ****ing best first post I've seen in a while. I am really loving this.
    I really think the Falcon could work out, but you should only have it be there for Team Slayer and CTF. Screw with the labels, ya know? It would seem pretty useless in Slayer/Territories. Since there wouldn't be a Falcon in any of those 2, you could probably take out some of the heavier weapons (for those modes only).
    Oh, and Welcome to Forgehub!!!
  3. bertaki

    bertaki Forerunner

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    Thank you for the initial reviews! I'm eager to see how the map does in regards to gameplay, though. Plus, I can't take all the credit either. I had some pretty good inspiration.

    As far as the Falcons are concerned, Dr. Killmore, I had that exact same fear, initially. I opted to leave them in for all modes for two ultimate reasons:

    1. At the very least, they could be utilized as really interesting mobile cover fire.
    2. If they would eventually deem themselves useless, seeing as they are on lowest level of each base and relatively far enough away that it wouldn't make much sense for someone to purposely go get, that leaving them there as almost a sort of map aesthetic seemed reasonable. Besides, the heavy weapons on this map are on long enough timers that I don't think they can be abused.

    But I suppose that this is what releasing an Alpha build ultimately determines. Either way, thanks for the props! Let me know what you think after you play a few rounds with your friends.
  4. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I saw the preview for this and feel in love with it, you did a great job on the post and im glad your joining the community. This is a really great twist to the Classic Boarding Action i started off playing. I think if bungie was to remake Boarding Action for Reach this is what they could have tried to come up with haha (we all know bungie falls short alot in there maps lol)

    Edit: i noticed you used death barriers for the tops of the bases, and you have one huge soft kill barrier over the whole map. Take away the kill barriers up top so as falcons don't get raped when accidentally flying to high to avoid rockets, idk though it'l make it so they can avoid heavy weapons too much if you don't. I guess you will just have to play with it.
    #4 CaptnSTFU, Oct 16, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  5. bertaki

    bertaki Forerunner

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    I've already begun work on the beta. Right off the bat I noticed one of the Falcons respawn timer had somehow reverted back to 30 seconds. That will be fixed next time around (although, feel free to go in and fix it yourself for the time being).

    CaptnSTFU, thanks for calling attention to the kill barrier issue. I see exactly what you mean. Initially, they were put there to keep people from taking advantage of the roof overhang, but I can see how it can cause difficulties with maneuvering a Falcon around and suddenly having it blow up on you. Rest assured I'm going to tweak their settings so that flight is more fluid and open.

    Also worth noting are minor changes to weapon spawn timers and clips. Shouldn't be anything too noticeable, but I realized some things that might help emphasis the DMR/pistol staple that a map like this should really focus on.

    Let me know what you guys think of the spawns and territories (using Territories Retro)!

    - B
  6. Buburay

    Buburay Forerunner

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    Great to see a good remake of a map, The only other good remake i've seen sofar is the Last Resort one. Also, I love the fact that you're not stuck to the whole origional design! good to see you added stuff (Falcon for instance) Keep up the good work.

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