Vanilla Created by Gunnergrunt Recommended Players: 2-6 Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, Objective "Sometimes a situation calls for" me quoting a cliche statement in order to convey the "absolute magnitude" of fan fervor behind a map. "Since the dawn of time" I've loathed such scenarios and yell at random members in order to make up for my lack of compassion. But, "Vanilla" reminds me of ice cream, and I like ice cream. Gunnergrunt's creation makes clever use of Forge World's natural environment to ground the map with a pine tree. While that seems unimpressive at first glance, I want you to go into forge, and try to plant a tree somewhere in your map. Go ahead, do it, I'll pretend to wait. For those of you too lazy to try it, I'll think of something to say to you later. As for those of you who followed my instructions, you need to know that you can't actually use trees in Forge. Sorry about the misdirection, I never could tell wrong from left. But you can build a map around one, which Mr. Grunt did wonderfully. The tree provides excellent cover and scatters cross-map lines of sight. Long corridors are similarly treated with columns of different shapes to encourage mid-range confrontations of skill and timing while other players are scattered around the large, multi-tiered structure. The aesthetics and balance behind the design provide a clean-cut play-space that feels not only worthy of a feature but exceeds loftier standards. In the words of the creator: As do we. Download Vanilla You can view the original map thread by the author here. Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.
I knew this map would be featured when I first saw it. Congrats, Gunner! Also, very nice writeup, Sarge.
this was such an amazing map i still play it with my friends i realize that it can be used for a small game of clue. and that this map has such excellent forging skills that even with all the experimantiation i have been doing that this goes beyond my work and skill you know that i have some your just afriad to admit it good job on the feature gunner.
Glad to see this got featured, I downloaded this map a little while ago and have been using it as an example of what a really good Reach forge map should look like. Honestly, it wasn't so much the tree that got me as the general flow of the map. Gameplay just seems to fit so well between all floors and areas of the map, without there being any overpowering spots (any overpowered-ness I experience I pretty much attribute to my friend just being ridiculously good at this game, I'm pretty sure it wasn't the maps fault). Excellently built map, and well deserving of a feature.
Gunnergrunt, I hope you are able to submit this to Forgetacular. A well deserved feature. Incredible gameplay, gorgeous aesthetics, and a tree. A tree!
Sarge, how did you have time to write this up, with your lurkin' and stuff? Glad to see it got featured; and it's kind of obvious that it did
Welp I saw this coming from a mile away. An excellent map through and through. I can't say I'm not a bit jealous that this beat out my behemoth map, but I can certainly agree that it deserves this honor. Congrats GG. I hope this makes it's way to matchmaking.
I new this map was going to be featured as soon as i saw it, i downloaded and had some great games on it, perfectly balanced and just overall a pefect map.
About time I can't believe a map with a giant brute on it got featured before Vanilla! Vanilla looks beautiful! Vanilla plays beautiful! And i'm pretty sure my mate started a website called "Vanilla for matchmaking" gunnergrunt is equal too or greater than genius!
i played this map and its great. would be awesome in matchamking except i think the second story needs more cover
This map definatly deserves to be placed in matchmaking. It is so worth putting in. It plays so good. Glad it got a feature!
Vanilla truly is an incredible map, exceeding all expectations, and I am grateful that the forging community has such unique talent and creativity. Gunner, congratulations on the terrific map and the feature. It is well-deserved and I will be hoping to see it in matchmaking in the future. It's game-play is super-smooth. It's safe to say it plays just as smooth, if not smoother, as Bungie's best maps. I love this map, and it has a permanent place in my hard drive.
I knew it would be featured. This map has all the stuff it needs to be feature worthy. Maybe great enough to be in matchmaking... Very fun map to play on, even when you get pwned constantly this is still fun. Good job GG, expecting more maps from you!
It was obvious that this map was going to be featured. I actually had a similar idea for a three storied map but I've put on hold indefinitely due to the fact that I doubt I could make it any better than this. Congrats GG. Vanilla is fantastic and I'm sure your future maps will be the same.
It's about damn time you guys featured another Reach map. Good thing this is a good one too. I did a forge walk around and figured this would, grat Grunt for nabbing the first comp' map feature. ;P
I knew it would happen, I just knew it! This map is one of few that still remains on my harddrive. Congrats Gunner!
Do you cheat at forge? Come on really? Do you? Cause honestly A TREE! Your a god damn mad genius, and this is not your first epic map either. Easily my favorite map on my hard drive right now. I think I'm at somewhere near 6 hours just playing this map, and it still holds up. And if anyone doesn't have this map on there hard drive, get it, NOW. I think we all know who just won the forgetacular contest