...that the Master Chief Firefight voice sounds nothing like Master Chief? I'm starting to question if it's even the same voice actor...
I had that thought the first week I had it. The more I played with it the more it sounded right but I know what you're talking about. I still get the feeling it isn't quite right. It may just be we've never heard him much before and hearing him all the time somehow makes him sound different.
I can't imagine they'd bother looking for anyone else, the voice actor "stars" in many video games, its his job! It might just because Chief never said much, and when he did it wasn't too interesting.
Not interesting?! Remember when he said: "To give the covenant back their bomb". I tought it was pretty awesome when he said that.
"No thanks to your driving." "I need a weapon." "Giving the Covenant back their bomb." "Sir, finishing this fight." "Worse." "Wake me... when you need me." Let's face it, Master Chief was for epic one-liners. Not for constantly chatting in Firefight. To me, it doesn't really sound like him. My friend that bought it said it sounded more like him in-game.