
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by LordoftheNazgul, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. LordoftheNazgul

    LordoftheNazgul Ancient
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    Halos need a large source of power to fuel their destructible forces. Floating just above the constructed coastline of installation 04 is one of the many power generators necessary for the halo. With the location of the installation came great conflict and the fight for its awesome power. The map provides a perfect balance between close and medium range combat and offers comfort in the quad symmetry that is the surrounding structure. The map consists of three levels which meet at all of the four bases providing for a great variety of circulation. The bases feature a lift that allows for quick movement to the upper level while also providing a drop-off to get you to the bottom level. The center provides cover and blocks the opposite base allowing for some two team objective game types such as two flag and stockpile. The map is also well suited for most types of slayer including the new six teamed multiteam slayer featured in matchmaking. The map offers some of the best conditions for halo reach gameplay and is a must have for any halo reachian.

    Weapon list:
    Needlerifle x4
    Needler x2
    Plasma Repeater x2
    Plasma Pistol x4
    Shotgun x 2
    DMR x2
    Plasma nade x8
    Fragmentation nade x8

    2 Flag CTF
    2 team stockpile
    Team slayer
    FFA Slayer
    Mutiteam Slayer
    Plan View

    Overall View

    Axon View of Green Base

    View of the Connections of the Three Layers

    View of Top and Bottom Blue Base

    View of Lower Level

    View of Center Power Generator

    View of Waterfall from Red Base

    Summit Download Here
    #1 LordoftheNazgul, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  2. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
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    This map does look very well and forerunner-ee. But it seems a little to open, is it?
  3. Sasquatch

    Sasquatch Ancient
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    Based on the time I spent wandering on this map, I can say that I think the design itself if pretty much flawless. The flow seems excellent and the aesthetics are definitely appealing. Your weapon choice doesn't cause me to complain. The centerpiece is especially terrific. However, it would be nice to see it set up for a few more gametypes. Additionally, you may not like it, but if you really want this map to get noticed, it does have to be flawlessly built. Z-Fighting detracts from the experience, there are several miniature gaps in the floor between pieces, and the frame-rate unfortunately slows noticeably due to the mass of various objects in the center. Fixing the first two problems wouldn't be difficult or time-consuming, but the only suggestion I have to deal with the frame-rate is to take away some aesthetic pieces from the center and instead spread them around the edges. However, the frame-rate might just be something that must be dealt with. Finally, this isn't an issue, more of a question, but why is it built where it is? It's just kind of a random spot hahaha.

    All in all, this is a great competitive map. It's problems don't drag it down far at all. I hope we can get a game going on this sometime!
  4. LordoftheNazgul

    LordoftheNazgul Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I thought of what other game types the map could do but decided against some of them for various reasons. Crazy king can be fun, but I felt that people would just go up in the jet pack and lob down nades at the hill which wouldn’t be fun. In headhunter the skulls would just go flying off the platform. Some game types had to be eliminated, but I will see what I can add to it game type wise. As for the map being too open, initial testing proved otherwise. The fins of the power core in the center provide great cover while the actual heights of the platforms in combination with the railings help to provide enough cover for the player to react to any situation. The location itself was decided by mistake because I had started by just putting four struts together and then adding an additional four on the diagonal and I liked how it looked so I just kept adding on to it before I decided that it could make a good map. I moved a large amount of the map twenty units up in the z direction. So the spot was random but changed latter.
  5. cdogg sit

    cdogg sit Forerunner

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    I think this is an amazing map. I liked the symetry and the weapons work well for the map. A little more cover would benifit the map greatly and the center causes a little lag when you look at it. If you make those changes the map will definitely be one of the best out there.
  6. SirWafflecakes

    SirWafflecakes Forerunner

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    I really liked the forerunner theme you implemented into the map. The lack of cover slightly concerned me but after playing it a couple times showed me that there is more cover to this map than meets the eye. i really enjoyed sending my halogram through the grav-lifts causing a diversion for me to assasinate an unexpecting enemy. All in all its a great map.
  7. OmniOdin

    OmniOdin Forerunner

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    Downloading right now, this map looks amazing. :)
  8. LordoftheNazgul

    LordoftheNazgul Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thx for the advice on my map, I will be sure to look in on those changes. I hope you enjoy it.

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