Fish in a Barrel!

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Cadet X, Oct 16, 2010.

  1. Cadet X

    Cadet X Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Well this is my first map on here so please go easy on me. This is a new unique mini game for halo reach! Its tons of fun with large parties, and extremely entertaining. Basically the humans or fish drive around in a middle sized arena having fun while being shot at from cliff side "towers" by rockets, concussion rifle rounds, and fuel rod! Hope you guys enjoy leave me a message if you like it... thanks!
    *NOTE* (Works best with 6 or more players)

    Human (fish) objective: Drive and survive the raining explosives will having fun with small ramps and obstacles!

    Infected objective: Shoot down at those pesky fish! You have bottomless clip but its wayyy harder then you would expect! Oh and after about a minute and 30 seconds a tele porter spawns in the first cliff side "tower" which leads to a missile pod on a warthog!

    Heres where the "fish" drive around dodging explosives!

    This is where the infected rain down the rockets from!

    Another picture "tower" 1 and 2.

    A picture of a fish!
  2. chaosblood

    chaosblood Forerunner

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    nice idea i like the look of it and it defintly seems fun might download it :)
  3. Cadet X

    Cadet X Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks bro took awhile to make mainly cuase the gametype is so difficult

    Added after 2 Hours 8 minutes:

    Anybody got any comments?

    Edited by merge:

    can someone tell me if they liked it? i know its to late to turn it in to get rated but i was wondering if anyone had and tips or suggestions
    #3 Cadet X, Oct 20, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2010

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