Hide And Seek Town This Map Is Called Hide And Seek Town And Its Based On a Map Built On Halo 3. The goal Of The Game Is To Kill All The Ghosts( Kind of Like Infection .... BUT you have To Be assassinated and The Zombies Are Invisible!). the Map Can Be Played Only On Infection Game Modes Right Now But Later It Will Be Available For Slayer and Invasion Game Types. There is Three Sections to This Map, The Main Killing Zone, The Weapons Room, and The Hanger. We Will Upload Pictures Of Those Parts Of The Maps In The Later Future. The Trick To This Map Is Strategy ... So The Ghosts Might Want To Wait Until It Gets Darker To Strike Out. Here is Some Screen Shots Route To Weapons Room Main Killing Zone
yes yes i Am Working On Uploading Ones But For Some Reason My Game Freezes When I Go To Upload So I Am Still Uploading If you Find Any Problems Please Let Me Know So I Can Fix the Bugs
My two cents: Edit your description so that you haven't capitalized every word in your sentences... I don't understand why people do that. xP
I see a flaw in your game. If you have to be assasinated then couldn't you just back into a corner and sit there? The no one could assasinate you.
why did you call this a remake? I see no resemblance to the Hide & Seek town on Halo 3... Also, the map is incredibly open, making the camo very useless because it is easier to track in open areas.