Acheron (Custom Gametype Required) I really enjoy Invasion with the large maps and variety of gametypes within a single game I can see some really interesting variants come out in the future. For my first map I decided to keep things simple and copy the default Invasion style of two phases of territories followed by the final phase of capture the flag/data core. Notes: Not all images are from final version and may have some changes There are multiple Spawn points for each Phase make sure to use your d-pad to switch between them The Teleporter in Phase 2 only works for the Spartans (Attackers) Thanks to all the people at XMG360 and AGErocks for their help with testing and feedback Phase 1 - The Satellite - Territories The first objective is for the Spartans (Attackers) to Capture the Satellite Communication Relay. They can do so in two ways they can go after the satellites' generator or the satellite controls. The Satellite Generator is easier to access being on ground level and is farther away from the Elites (Defenders) spawn but has less cover and is harder to defend while capturing. The Satellite Controls are directly below the dish and can be covered from the Attackers hill but is a short walk from the Defenders spawn. Attackers Loadouts Sprint - Assault Rifle - Magnum Hologram - Assault Rifle - Magnum Defenders Loadouts Evade - Plasma Rifle - Plasma Pistol Drop Shield - Needler - Plasma Pistol Weapons DMR x3 Sniper Rifle - 1 Spare Clip - Respawn 90 Rocket Launcher - 0 Spare Clip - Respawn 90 Needle Rifle x3 Concussion Rifle - 1 Spare Clip - Respawn 90 Shade Turret - Respawn 90 Vehicles Mongoose x2 Phase 2 - The Bridge - Territories Once the satellite is captured the Spartans must make their way across The Bridge. In order to hold the bridge the Spartans must secure either the Helipad or the Lower Walkways. The Helipad provides excellent cover to defend yourself while being just around the corner from the Defenders spawn. The Walkways are much closer to the Attackers spawn but has no cover besides the elevation change. There is also a teleporter that can be used to cross the canyon its a bit of a longer walk but will come out directly behind the defenders sniper tower. Attackers Loadouts Sprint - DMR - Magnum Jetpack - Assault Rifle - Magnum Hologram - DMR - Assault Rifle Defenders Loadouts Evade - Needle Rifle - Plasma Pistol Jetpack - Concussion Rifle - Plasma Rifle Drop Shield - Needle Rifle - Plasma Rifle Weapons Grenade Launcher - Respawn 60 Sniper Rifle - 1 Spare Clip - Respawn 90 Fuel Rod Cannon - Respawn 90 Focus Rifle - Respawn 90 Vehicles Mongoose Phase 3 - Power Station - Capture the Flag The last objective is for the Spartans to infiltrate the Power Station and retrieve the Data Core to the extraction point. There are three entry points from the front of the building one of which is only assessable through a jetpack, another dumps you right in the middle of the main room where the data core is, the last path is on the far left and is a bit of a scenic route but is also the stealthiest. Once you have the Data Core you can take the direct route of going out the main door and heading straight across the open field to the extration point or can take the longer route while using the rock wall as cover as well as being closer to spawn for support. Attackers Loadouts Sprint - DMR - Magnum Armor Lock - Shotgun - Magnum Hologram - DMR - Assault Rifle Drop Shield - DMR - Assault Rifle Jetpack - Grenade Launcher - Assault Rifle Defenders Loadouts Evade - Needle Rifle - Plasma Pistol Jetpack - Concussion Rifle - Plasma Rifle Drop Shield - Needle Rifle - Plasma Repeater Hologram - Energy Sword - Plasma Rifle Active Camo - Plasma Repeater - Needler Weapons Sniper Rifle - Respawn 90 Spartan Laser - Respawn 60 Focus Rifle - Respawn 90 Plasma Launcher - Respawn 90 Vehicles Mongoose x2 Warthog - Respawn 60 Falcon - Respawn 90 Ghost - Respawn 45 Banshee - Respawn 90 Map Layouts Pictures Satellite Platform Satellite Generator Bridge Helipad Tower Front Left of Power Station Front Right of Power Station Main Room / Data Core Room Covering the Carrier Watch out below Hope you enjoy my map
****ing amazing. Love how all the structures are unique. You could've just built a bridge and base but you really took it to the next level. This deserves the bump it got.