
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Montressor, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. Montressor

    Montressor Forerunner

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    This is an enclosed night map using the canyon portion of the forge world. it is a really fun map for CTF juggernaut team slayer and infection. The map is symmetrical and has four vehicles, two warthogs and two mongooses. please rate it if you like it and invite me if your going to play it because I would love to play this map with more people, My gamertag is Montressor. I just updated the map, it now has a walkway across the ceiling to both bases with a gravity lift to get up. the sniper has been moved up to the catwalk.
    #1 Montressor, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  2. kingeedorah

    kingeedorah Forerunner

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    Based on the screenshots, I really like the aesthetics of this map, it has a really cool greenhouse sort of look to it. Seems like it would look even better in daytime, though.

    The apparent severe lack of cover in the middle areas seems a little worrisome to me, though. It looks like it might be really frustrating trying to get from one base to the other without a vehicle.
  3. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    This is a sick map man! I love the looks of it, and you really brought the whole night theme to life somehow!

    I liked the idea of a night map, so when I heard the Purple color effect looked like night I tried it out right away, but was kind of disapointed actually because it really did leave a purple tint on whatever I tried it on, but it looks like you pulled off night very well here!

    I also like how you sectioned off a portion of the canyon, and used interesting asthetically pleasing pieces to do it as well! I also have thought about making a map out of a portion of the canyon, but I have yet to start on a map like that.

    I will be downloading this, and sending you a friend request tonight as well so that hopefully we can play on your map!

    Have you thought about trying to make another variant of this for Invasion as well?

    It would need significant changes, but if you made another map based around this and just altered it for Invasion I think that would make a sick Invasion map.

    You could also enter that Invasion map into Bungie's map contest. I'm planning on entering at least the Team Slayer contest, and probably Big Team as well. I feel like I have a great map concept I'm starting on for Team Slayer, and I love Big Team and Invasion, although an Invasion map may be too challenging for me to complete in time for the contest... so I'm not sure about that.
  4. Montressor

    Montressor Forerunner

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    thanks for the advice! I have heard the cover comment a lot which is why I chose to add the portions with rock cover but its hard to find the balance between cover for people on foot and room for people in warthogs to get around without getting frustrated. I am considering a few things for cover but I'm not set on anything, let me know what you think should be in there. As for the forgetacular contest I submitted this map for CTF but I have other maps made that I have yet to post for the other game types (photobucket is tedious) anyway I have to clean up my friends list and then Ill accept your requests. check out my video of 4v4 multiflag on alleyway and a 5v5 team slayer on alleyway, it's in my fileshare. good fun!
  5. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    Here's some advice from my style of map making, which is strongly influenced by the old Halo CE style of maps, not like the more popular Halo 2 style maps such as Lockout or Last Resort/ Zanzibar for example. (Both good maps, just a different style than I make maps).

    If you try to put vehicles and people in the same area on a map, it usually doesn't turn out that great. Sometimes it does, but not always, like Stand Off in my opinion did not combine a vehicular route and foot route together well at all, because the vehicles dominated.

    So what you have to do in my thinking of how to make a map is think in terms of "foot routes" and "vehicle routes."

    I think whoever came up with the layout of Sidewinder in Halo CE thought this same way, and I think Sidewinder shows it done very well.

    Sidewinder has an interior foot route that winds around to keep the time it takes to use it about the same as the other outer two routes. It then has an open vehicular route. You can go on foot, but since its open and the longest route, you're not going to get that far using that big open route if you're going on foot, because its going to either take a long time, or a vehicle will kill you.

    And finally it has the outer teleporter route as well, another foot route.

    They all stay close together so that at any time you can go into another area of the map, and they all function differently as well. The teleporter route is good for long range fighting, and sniping and such, the middle open route is good for vehicles, and the center inner route is good for up close indoors fighting.

    It would seem like creating routes intentionally for players to go on foot would render vehicles pointless, but it actually does not.

    If one team just goes on foot everywhere, then the other team can get to the other team's base by vehicles without much trouble. Or they can start camping spawns or picking off individual players after they have respawned that are trying to get to foot routes.

    Either way, the other team is forced to either fight the players when their vehicles get close, like trying to blast them with a rocket, or they're forced to get in vehicles themselves and fight back with some vehicles.

    Just look at some old Halo CE maps like Sidewinder, Danger Canyon, and Blood Gulch to see how vehicles can be used effectively in maps. All the maps where vehicles work well have "foot routes" for players, that way the players aren't without hope when without a vehicle, and the vehicles are not disturbed by cover blocking their driving.
  6. Montressor

    Montressor Forerunner

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    thanks for the advice, I was just thinking last night that I should do something up higher in the level like a gravity lift that takes you to a catwalk above the rest of the map, or something along the lines of another footpath, I'll go tinker a bit and get back to you when I feel I have it polished. I am a huge fan of sidewinder and its remake avalanche, and blood gulch but I don't remember a map called danger canyon, but I'll check out a video, I'm sure there are a few out there.

    Added after 1 44 minutes:

    Ok its been retooled with another footpath across the map so let me know what you think of the new version.

    Edited by merge:

    why hasn't anyone given me anymore feedback in a whole week? I changed the map some you should check it out!
    #6 Montressor, Oct 23, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2010
  7. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    The map name is somewhat misleading. :(

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