So Greetings once again dear peoples, I am back for more with the new addition of this lovely game called Halo Reach! So anyways, this is my first map here on Reach and I do believe that it is quite good, you'll have to judge that for yourself however. Anyways, the map is a forerunner ruin in the cave of Forgeworld that, with a little bit of exploration on your part, can turn into a huge complex of epic. Well, I dont want to spoil the map for you with to much description so Ill let the pictures do that. Enjoy the map! The Entrance to the Facility. Guard Posting in the Frontward Facility With a little exploration, you'll find this portal to the main facility buried deep in the caves. Main Facility power core. Right Wing Entrance Armory and shooting range. Left Wing Council Chamber Central Corridor Balcony Outer View of Main Facility Have fun excavating!
Holy.... this. is. amazing. The detail and the aesthetics are some of the best I've seen yet. If you haven't seen The Hat of Win's post, it has the same feel to yours. But his has a story. I really recommend you check it out. Nice job fuzzywig, hope to see more amazing maps soon. Btw I loved your old maps, you should maybe make a mansion next. I haven't found one on FH yet.
very nice map but I see a falcon in the last picture is someone in that or is it just hanging there? and if it is just hanging there can you get in it?
The aesthetics are great the forging on the stairs in the 5th picture looks off, is that the best coordinates would allow or something, its a cool idea but they look like my sister made them other than that good map though
Wow this thing is amazing, the aethetics are beautiful but thats what we've come to expect of you I'm still baffled about how you did the sprial cieling in the "central corridor", care to share your secret?
@Vbdude Lol- I did it veryyyy carefully. As for the stairs, they are completely symmetrical but the lights on the outside cannot be perfectly met together without a lot of flicker so yeah- your jsut gonna hvae to deal with that small problem- the rest of the map is perfect in comparison.
Ya I just checked this map out last night. From what I hear you have been working on this for some time now. Nice that you finally got it posted. The center room was epic. Elites tend to get stuck in most hallways though. I mentioned mothership Zeta from Fallout, and Wwolf seemed to agree. Very nicely done Mr Fuzzy
Yes- there is a certain secret area that has a mongoose and some secret little things in it that can only be accessed by humans. (Its in the first area. )
this map is absolutely beautiful. I think it does indeed deserve some fan fiction to be told for it. Just for some constructive criticism, the frame rate is really poor around the "power core", and I was in a custom game by myself. I don't think anything can be done about that without detracting from the overall coolness of it but there it is anyway. Also maybe something could be actually set up for the "shooting range". Set up a man cannon and I don't know...fusion coils that get jettisoned toward you and you have to shoot them down. I guess that kind of thing would be hard to set up upon entering the room as it would really mess up frame rate if it did that the whole time. Also a few "moniters" here and there would be a really neat aesthetic you might want to consider. Maybe near the core room? Anyway, wonderful map.
Well yes- I treid to set up something like that for the shooting range but I found that it got kind of boring there after awhile. I decided to put the teleporter and the armorlock there to the side fo the shooting range so that somebody would be able to be kind of a "target" for the person there on the shooting range and actually shoot back and the such, while being protected by the armor lock. ^^
You've done it again Fuzzy. Each room has it's own, unique look and style. I have to tell you that your balcony is the sexiest thing I've seen in Reach thus far.
Consent for this Map Hey I'm trighappee owner of DecayzProductions its my new machinima branch in my "Circle of Friends" anyway to get to the point I would like permission to use this map for my upcoming Machinima series. I will be including your map for episode 1 and a little of two. If i get permission for this map I will put your name on the special thanks list. If you'd also like to join our forge team composing of me and Quick Sammmmmmm you can send me a message of friend invite either one.
Well sure go ahead, you have my permission to use it, but as for the whole entire forging team, I don't really forge well with people, but thank you for the offer. ^^
Fuzz, you are the KING of aesthetic. I have yet to see a map from you that i DIDN'T like. This map is perfect, the aesthetics are perfect. 5/5 FEATURE NAO!!
I loved your map sand heart manor. I am excited to see the craftsmanship of this map. It may sound cheesy but I hope that I will be as intricate as your are in your maps. Right now I am only experimenting with what I can do with forge.
@Densebaracuda All it takes is using the right objects for the right things, and you get a good map. Take your time and it will be better than you expect.