
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Mallias, Oct 14, 2010.

  1. Mallias

    Mallias Forerunner

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    Temperance v1.1

    A 2 team map for 4-10 players. Supports Slayer, CTF, Headhunter, KOTH (though KOTH hasn't been tested thuroughly).


    Blue Base Screenshots:
    view of blue base from side tunnel

    overview shot of the blue base and open area around it

    looking from the blue base toward the main tunnel entrance

    on lower platform looking toward blue base tower

    view of the blue base platforms from the water
    Red Base Screenshots:
    overview of the red base tower and open cave in front of it

    overview of the main tunnel entrance and open cave

    looking at the red base tower from the main tunnel entrance

    looking at the red base tower from the side

    view of the main tunnel entrance from the red tower
    Vehicle Bay Screenshots (vehicles not accessible):
    looking outside of the main vehicle bay behind the red base

    looking back toward one of the red base entrances in the main vehicle bay

    view of the back of the red base from the main vehicle bay

    looking from the main vehicle bay, under the red base tower, to the small vehicle bay

    view of the small vehicle bay
    Courtyard Screenshots:
    view of the courtyard from the side tunnels

    overview of the courtyard
    Island Map (in case you don't want to view the map file):

    The following weapons are currently on placed on the map:
    4 x Magnum - 30 sec - 1 clip
    6 x Assault Rifle - 45 sec - 1 clip
    2 x DMR - 45 sec - 2 clip
    2 x Shotgun - 120 sec - 1 clip
    1 x Sniper Rifle - 150 sec - 1 clip
    1 x Rocket Launcher - 180 sec - 0 clip
    4 x Frag Grenades - 10 sec
    4 x Plasma Grenades - 20 sec
    If people provide feedback on the weapon types and placement, I'm more than willing to rearrange the weapons.
    The map currently supports:
    Slayer (FFA & 2-Team)
    Headhunter (FFA)
    Capture the Flag (2-Team)
    King of the Hill (FFA & 2-Team)
    I'd like to point out that though King of the Hill is supported, I have not yet tested it well and am not sure the map works well for this game type.

    If someone would like to see a particular game mode supported, let me know and I'll look into implementing it.

    This is my first attempts at a map for Halo Reach. I haven't worked with a map builder in a long time, so please be kind.

    The map is located on the island with a base on either side of the large tunnel that cuts through the mountain on the island (see the Island Map for a layout).

    I recognize that the map may be fatally flawed: relying on the main tunnel to connect the two bases the way it does; but I've stuck with the idea none the less... Id does focus a lot of the action in the tunnel and the open areas on either side, so as long as the number of players isn't too high it works well enough.

    Anyway, hope you like the map and, of course, comments and questions are welcome.
    #1 Mallias, Oct 14, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  2. EIite Grunt

    EIite Grunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow the map itself looks beautiful. The vehicle bay looks like that side would get a huge advantage in gameplay but I have yet to play so don't take it as bad feedback. Great job man.
  3. Mallias

    Mallias Forerunner

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    The vehicle bays were an excuse to create larger interior spaces around the red base since the blue base was outside and already had a good amount of space to move around in...

    The vehicles are all inaccessible during game play (they are behind one way shields) and really only there as scenery...
  4. EIite Grunt

    EIite Grunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ah ok I saw that and was like damn that teams gonna get some crazy kills haha
  5. eating lunch

    eating lunch Forerunner

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    This is a cool map! I like the idea of connecting the bases by the main tunnel through the island center. It may not play the best, but just the fact thats the main way to get to the other base would make it fun I think. Kind of like how Orbital didn't have much variation in its design, mainly just straight paths, but it was still fun.

    I will download this, and send you a friend request so hopefully I can get to play this with you sometime?
  6. Dabobyjoeson

    Dabobyjoeson Forerunner

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    This map is amazing. The vehicle bay looks a little OP and out of place
    but its such a good map
  7. Montressor

    Montressor Forerunner

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    Hey I really like your map design, I like how you used a lot of the forge worlds natural build and incorporated it into your map. I get so tired of looking at all the metal floors walls and ceilings. Ill send you a friend request and maybe we will get to play your map some time PM me if you are trying to get a group together. I have a small map that is in the same vein as yours, check it out http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-competitive-maps/109321-alleyway.html

    MASSAIKUR Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    I really like this and the use of the island as well
  9. Caucasion Tift

    Caucasion Tift Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I downloaded this and did a quick forgethrough, I gotta say this is probably the best Reach Map currently on forgehub. It looks amazing, every detail is aesthetically pleasing, and it's just plain original. Integrating the round bunkers so that they look like an underground section of each base was just plain brilliant. If this doesn't get featured I would very disappointed. Keep up the good work.
  10. Jumbo Lopez

    Jumbo Lopez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    as a work of art, this map is fantastic. just incredible. you have such a good eye for design, combining generic objects in creative ways to make each piece look unique. the wall to the left of blue base. blue base itself. the rocket room with the satellite above. so many little things that most forgers don't have the artistic talent for. the best forge maps don't look like forge maps. you've accomplished this.

    the only problem is what you've already said. with really only one route between bases, you have one massive chokepoint where all the action will be. and though the map looks amazing, most of those amazing parts aren't playable. but i don't know how to fix that. with the item budget, its so hard to make a map big enough to play on, yet maintaining a consistent visual theme.

    regardless, this is probably the best map i've seen on forge, and i'd definately recommend this to anyone. maybe not as a gameplay model, but as a near perfect example of how a map should look.
  11. jonesmcmoney

    jonesmcmoney Forerunner

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    it looks easy to make, but it looks very good!
  12. Mallias

    Mallias Forerunner

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    Thanks everyone, I did not expect that kind of praise.

    As I originally mentioned, and Jumbo Lopez reemphasized, the reliance on the Main Tunnel as the connection between the two bases hurts the map's playability... I did stick with the map, as many of you have pointed out, because I thought it just looked good and I thought it could still work decently for team-based CTF...

    I've thought about a number of ways to "repair" the flow of the map. However, besides possibly going over the mountain or building a connection to the left (east) side if the mountain--both of which would require a lot of objects and be problematic in other ways, the only viable options is introducing teleporters at a couple of critical locations. I've resisted so far because of other map ideas I've wanted to explore and--quite frankly--a dislike of teleporters in general.

    If anyone has suggestions for how to fix the flow of this map, I'd be more than willing to explore them and possibly improve the gameplay...

    How do people feel about the weapons, their locations, and their respawn times? Any issues with this?
    #12 Mallias, Oct 16, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  13. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The maps aesthetics and creativity are really great, but the map suffers drastically from gameplay problems. The fact that there's only two main routes create (honestly) some terrible flow. It creates standoffish gameplay where a team sits at certain points in the hallways (such as at the top of the incline in the middle tunnel) and grenades anyone that gets close. CTF isn't really terrible, but slayer is bad. There are parts of the map that I really do like (like the rocket spawn, were those supposed to be toilets?) but it's just a shame to see a potentially good map be riddled with problems. I don't really see how you can fix it without really tearing the map down, or using teleporters (which I also dislike). Good luck, and I'm really hoping to see a V2 from you.
  14. ZackofJax

    ZackofJax Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good creativity using the tunnel. I've never thought of that.

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