snake head castle edited

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by aze102, Oct 16, 2010.

  1. aze102

    aze102 Forerunner

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    it would be helpful if you just went to my bungie screen shots, rather than downloading all of these. as i dont know how to make the pictures appear.

    this is the snake head castle. THE WATER IS KNEE DEEP. it supports all normal game modes apart from invasion slayer. its a symmetrical map and fair. its main set up is 4 equal towers that each team spawns. and a central tower.
    main weapons:
    2 snipers
    2 focus rifles
    2 shotguns
    2 concussion rifles
    rocket launcher
    2 mongooses
    2 overshields
    and there are various normal weapons about.

    this is where the sniper spawns, on the top floor of each side bridge.

    this is the central tower which has 4 main floors, and the core spawns here on invasion after you have captures all four towers. also the laser spawns at the top and the rockets spawn at the bottom. its a close combat area.

    this is the bridge connecting each side. each side is exactly the same, and is made up of 3 floors. as you can see. also the mongoose spawns at the bottom there.
    this is the warthog crash site. its a usable warthog it just needs flipping. behind it in the background you can see the snake head sniper nests of one of the towers. and a tower itself where each team would spawn.

    this is an overview of the whole map, its pretty big, perfectly capable of big team battle. the screenshots were all taken with the purple FX on, however now i recently changed it so that there are no FX on. and thats on my file share.
    #1 aze102, Oct 16, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  2. Toastman 500

    Toastman 500 Ancient

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    Dude your post is not up to standards. Please look at the forum and rules on making your post correct.
  3. aze102

    aze102 Forerunner

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    well i cant because, this forum is so bad it doesnt even tell you how to do the suff it wants you to do. and im no IT expert im afraid.
  4. Adelard

    Adelard Forerunner

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    toast are you an admin? this looks like it meets the standards i have read. Has to describe the map, and show at least one vid or pic describing the map. It is meant to be competative, so where is the issue.

    As for some comments on the map. It looks huge. is there any quick way from the outer walls to the center of the castle? teleports or something? also is the moat safe to walk in?
  5. aze102

    aze102 Forerunner

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    yes the water is only knee deep, and it makes vehicals a tad harder to drive so i thought it would be intresting. the only way to get to the middle is to walk, but from the bridges and the corner towers, its really not as far as you might think. it would take about less than 15 seconds to walk to the middle from anywhere.

    teleporters are on the mid level of each tower, taking you to the very top of the tower.

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