Note: This map is my first Reach map and is in early Beta. Currently some of the spawns are rough and the only gametypes you can play on are CTF and Slayer. Please give constructive critisim on how the map could be changed. Thankyou Nyctophobia is a quite small map suited for doubles and 4v4 team slayer. Because of its tiny size 8 players is its capacity. The concept of the map was to create a map dark enough that lines of sight were hampered and made the map play like a larger map. Because of the darkness engagements happen at closer ranges and hiding in the shadows is always an option. The map is symetrical in weapon layout and semi-symetrical in geometery. I posted some screens below All Screens Can Be Found Here Added after 45 minutes: Are the pics not showing up for anyone else. Or is that just my browser (IE).
Um.. Images aren't working for me. Maybe you uploaded them wrong? Just saying =) Please fix soon (I want to see this map!)
Looks like a good idea. For later posts, please post screenshots in the thread via Photobucket. Keep up the good work.