Puzzle: Rise on Rising Falls The is my first reach puzzle. I made some puzzles in halo 3, posting them on youtube as walkthroughs. Some were good, some were bad, and most were bad. I never spent the time to make a good puzzle except for a few occasions. I noticed that if I take all of my best challenges, then I can make one sweet puzzle map. So with reach here, it was time to up my game. The puzzle is called Rise on Rising Falls. You need both to play. This is a puzzle map, and not a search for the object or jump map. I tried to make the toughest parts logic. Some challenges may be hard to do, but I guarntee that once you do them for a bit, you will be easy. I tried to make each challenge have nothing to do with Halo 3, but Halo: Reach. I think I did a pretty good job. This puzzle I believe is the first reach puzzle in when you select your starting weapons/ ablities. Alot of the challenge will be selecting which class to use where. You will either have DMR or Sprint. You will need to choose wisely. Also, there are 12 challenges. Some are short while others are long. There is also a hub, with a bit of a checkpoint system. I used one-way shieled doors instead of teleporters. Some quick facts about the map: There are 12 challenges You may either select a DMR of Sprint ability at the beginning For challenge one, select the sprint ablilty (you can kill yourself with a DMR, so use that as last resort) Challenge twelve will envolve a little searching for what to do, sorry Challenge two; don't go through the teleporter, do that at challenge seven (will make life easier for you) Big hint, you can get the jetpack before other challenges, but try to save the jetpack part for the end since you need to do soemthing before the jetpack will be useful Puzzle is ment to be done with one person; you can play with more but the puzzle will be easier Now here are some pictures Challenge One Hub Challenge Three Challenge Four Challenge Five Challenge Eight A Jetpack Challenge Twelve If enough people ask, I will post hints. Please leave a comment and download on the map. Don't be afraid to ask for help, if you get stuck, I will help you. Comment if you find a break so I can fix it. I think this is a good puzzle for those who want to try it. Download and enjoy!
hey you might not know me, but I am, in my opinion, an above average puzzle maker, and I think that this map looks awesome. I really like the hubb and the look of the challenges. Im going to download this ASAP and try it out.
Hey thanks for the comments, hope you guys enjoy the map I put up a few more facts to hopefully make the puzzle easier since you can do the challenges out of order see you do one part to unblock the teleporter and the other to get to the sender node hopefully this causes less confusion and less frustration
I just tried this out and gave up. It was pretty satisfying solving the first puzzle where you kill yourself but after that I just did not know what to do. I think you should put up a walkthrough vid because I don't know what to do.
i wont be putting a walkthrough yet, but I can help you Bibby you got to the hub and there are four ways to go you know that it is not the gravity lift way since the teleporter is blocked challenge four is the room with the moving kill ball since there is a picture of it and challenge three is the room with the stationary kill ball which means challenge two, the challenge you are on, is the only other room available good luck
in the second room with the moving kill ball, me and my friend butterfly jumped directly to the finish.....
AwesomeJake69: well that is a problem, the map is made for one person so try to complete it on your own but you and your friend can do it toghether (without the butterfly jump), ill try to fix that though
no god anywhere: you need armor lock to move the mongoose in challenge five unless there is a break on challenge five challenge eleven is getting the jet pack to the teleporter and the other side of challenge five is challenge six where you need to unblock the teleporter at the end of challenge eleven