If you see in some Forge Videos, the gigantic wall piece that everyone seems to be using is awesome. Now people think you can only have like 4-10 pieces. Not True See, the piece is under the walls section. You can have 50 walls as a total(that's too little if you ask me), so you can have up to 50 gigantic walls. Sorry if this is already known, just trying to clear things up.
It's also only 10$ and would be called the collesium wall. I would like more of this object (100) as it seems to be able to cover entire cielings, floors, and walls easily.
You want more? Have you tried laying out 50 Coliseum Walls in Sketchup? Thats a huge area you've got there!
For a specific project i'm doing. Plus many walls and cielings more would be nice. However it is possible with other objects.
I'm 90% sure you can have 100 gigantic walls. But I could be wrong if it's a structure and not a block, in which case you can still have 100 5x1 blocks.
its a wall, not a structrure or a block. its called Wall, coliseum or colliseum wall. they are either 10 or 5$, im not sure what the going wall rate is. there are 50 walls available im glad that this is a topic, im tired of the "you know you can only have 4 slates" comment.
Guys, you can have more than 50 total walls. you can have 50 of each type of wall on a map. I watched a leaked livestream and the guy placed 50 colliseum walls, and still had 50 left of each other type.
I thought that was common knowledge. Bungie clearly stated that you can create any object in a set up to the maximum with no limitations to a specific piece. That means up to 50 Coliseum walls. You can have 50 Doors, Windows, and Walls pieces. Anyone confused simply didn't pay attention. This thread is redundant.
In a way I hope you could do more than 50. I'm having problems with a few maps. But I am not all that concerned. 50 is MUCH more than 4. I am so glad someone posted this as posting behind the 'only have 4' person with the correct info all the timr is a bit crazy.
actually.. now that its out, the correction is: you can have 50 of a wall type. Its collosium wall [ also collosium window is in this category] cost $10 Lock thread now?
Exactly which menu and sub-menus in the structure option is the giant wall in? I've been searching and searching, but I can't seem to find it.
I used nearly all 50 in making the USS Spartia. If you look just under the water, you will see how I used them to fake their real sizes. This allowed me to have hanger bays of the size I needed. If I had unlimited walls (even with only $10k budget), I would have made two carriers, and they would have been larger (length wise).
Necro'ing a thread, for a simple map advertisement? Ballsy. Anyways, by now, everyone should know that they are category limits, not item-specific limits.
In their defense, it appears that this was in question before the release of Reach. The thread was necro'd by someone else, apparently trying to definitively answer the question.
I dont believe you are correct in stating that you can place 50 of every wall only that you can have 50 walls total Edit: ah so it was just a necro'noob