Tournament This is a remake of the very fun game that started in Halo 3 known as Tournament. It's a very simple game and to start off you spawn in one of the 4 boxes with another opponent to duel. You must have a party of 8 players for this game to work properly, no more or less. Here is an over view: As you can see there are 4 box area's to spawn in and you and someone else will spawn in one. What you spawn in is one of these 2 small tunnels: You will spawn in one and someone else will spawn in the other. Meanwhile in the other boxes this is happening to the other 6 players in your game. Once you kill your opponent you will have to wait until a ramp spawns you over to the box across from you so you can face the winner of that box. Here is where the ramp spawns: First without a ramp Now with the ramp Now if you beat him you will be able to obtain the sniper if you like Now you will be put up against the best of the best from the other side. Here I will show you from the same view the ramp that spawns to put you up top against him: Here is the view of the top looking towards the Evade AA:
OOh thank you, i did enjoy th is with my friends and it will be handy to have in my back pocket when we get bored of our usual customs. And nice job, did you block off the spawns like in halo 3?
No I havent yet i'm still testing on what would be the best way to do it. One thing I tried was having glass walls spawn and a kill barrier inside to kill anyone in the spawn after 30 seconds but I found out you cant spawn kill barrier 30 seconds in. If you have any solutions I will try implementing them and see how they work.
Use teleporters, make the size and shape of them to however large you want them to be, set to not spawn at start, and then spawn in at however long you need it to be. As a note, you need to have BOTH the sender and receiver, or both two-ways, delay spawn or the person will just get teleported right away. That might take care of your issue.