yeah i'm new here, i've made a couple maps and i'll be uploading one once i've set up all the gametype stuff and placed spawnpoints and stuff. Jeez that's annoying, right? but yeah, high.
'High' to you as well. Good luck setting up your map; we'll be waiting here when your ready to show it off. : D
Trust me, it's not as good as some of the maps i've seen on here, but i'm somewhat proud of it, since it's the first map i've actually been able to finish.
Hi thar, synth. Welcome to forgehub! Personally, I think that spawnpoints and setting up for gametypes are the most annoying parts of forge now. If you need anything just ask me or any other member of the Welcome Squad.
inorite If you need help with placing spawns and gametype objects just post in forge discussion and check out the stickied threads; people will be happy to help.