Breach & Clear on Coastside is ready for launch. Sadly, I have no plans of future maps for this gametype. Usually UDie would be alot mroe helpful, But Im stuck. Im gonna need co-forgers/partners to keep this gametype alive & active. If you are interested, please contact Lil Devil9597. I will not take maps that are 70-100% Complete, I don't want to be a scammer. Forgemates Thread doesn't work for me. Simply cause I like my work to be challenging. Every map Idea I threw at my forge partners, they gave up because of how impossible it is for them. I've managed to do what I wanted to do, now I need someone with some great ideas for Invasion.
I don't understand. Are you planning on making a sequel to an Invasion variant? Why not just release it and move on if you really have no other ideas. One more thing: Forging isn't a job or a career. Everytime you come on these forums, you talk about how a map isn't going to reach its deadline, or how an 'acquaintance' isn't helping you anymore. Just take it less seriously.
I don't see how it could be that challenging or hard, really, especially with Forge 2.0 unless its mainly like the spawning placement. I do have some great ideas for invasion, infact I made one, and working on another and some other ones current, contact me if you'd like
There are actually a lot of small intricacies and nuances within Forge 2.0 that make certain tasks more difficult than one would seem. There is also the issue of the idea development. Sure, you may know what you want in your map, maybe you can even envision it's general make-up. However, once you get down into starting the map, you are suddenly faced with how large or challenging your concept may actually be. Being able to make some super complex object out of the bland items present in forge world takes more patience, focus, and vision than the average forger has.
Yeah, I guess that is true, so it is a lot harder to actually start making it.. I just wish it was a simple map editor, then it wouldnt be that hard.. I just wish there was another Timesplitters, cause that thing was the bomb for its time.. but anyways yeah I believe it is kinda hard, especially with all the new glitches that Forge 2.0 has compared to the first one.
Angel of Grief, You are reading my mind in a way. I find that making maps require a lot of complicated spawns and objects. Making a map inside a map sounds easy, but think of it this way. Your remaking Terminal (MW2), you know you have to spend 25% of your budget to work on the basic outline. Then the next 75% on details, weapons, spawns and other objectives for multiple gametypes. Now thats hard to my understanding. Breach & Clear requires a certain touch. An Exploding Door, Core Unlock Station and of course the core. However, Since its only the beta. We are still deciding to make it so you arm to sections then get the core or keep it the way it is. Forging is Easy, Thinking about all those options and ideas is hard. I don't have too much of an imagination. Im not kidding. I get stuck on a writing topic and stay like that for an entire day. Imagination is not my take. Basically what Im asking is for anyone to help Forge and Plan maps before even made. A "Thinker" if you will.