Just as the title says... For me, its the 4x4 flat block. It has so many uses, and is just generally awesome. What about you guys?
Seastack Rock. It's the biggest, natural looking structure Forgeworld offers. If there was a rock wall the size of the coliseum wall, then it would be that.
Seems a little silly, but honestly the column for me offers a great service while I make many a map. Its kind of the go to piece when something necessary just doesn't fit 100%.
coliseum wall. but then, its a little early to tell, as I'm mostly working on grifball maps... which need walls, and being able to place one instead of 10 to cover the same area is awesome. It also makes for a great wide area of racetrack
I have to go with the col wall as well, although I am also a big fan of the large walkway. That's just a cool piece, and I love being able to stick multiples of the large walkway into a well-designed map. It doesn't work for all of them, unfortunately, so it's not quite as versatile as other objects.
You guys done that thing where you place two walkway covers into each other from opposite ends? And it makes that little upside down v in the middle. Now that is pretty cool.
The strut has so many uses, it's like the obelisk from H3 :3 Plus it has so many highlights so when you change the color it stands out a ton.