Remake Midground

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by sourd, Oct 15, 2010.

  1. sourd

    sourd Forerunner

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    Welcome to MidGround

    Estimated completion time: 20 Hours

    1x Energy Sword (2 min respawn)
    1x ShotGun (2 min respawn)
    1x Plasma Pistol
    1x Needler
    4x DMR
    1x Needle Rifle
    2x Plasma Repeater

    6x Plasma grenades
    2x Frag grenades
    4x Health packs

    This Map Is still in its Beta stage to say the least. I have seemed to lost my copy of Halo 3 and broke my copy of Halo 2 soooo, this was fully done from memory and bad resolution videos :p. BUT,from the few Midships ive seen so far, i am going to have to self proclaim this as the most accurate :D . I am looking for some serious constructive critacisim here on anything i can do to improve my desighn. I did the best i could at simulating a completly round and curvy map with nothing but straight blocks.

    There Will Dfinetly be a version 2 and probably a version 3 and 4. This was my favorite halo map of all time and i wish to recreate it as closly as posible.

    Help testing would be much apreciated, and any posible improvments on desighn would be much much apreciated.

    For some reason only one screenshot is apering in my "Recent Screenshots" at bungie so im still working on figuring that problem out. Hopfully i will have more by tonight

    Thanks for looking i hope you all enjoy!!
  2. Elitearbitar

    Elitearbitar Ancient

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    Woah, the aesthetics look so great, but they leave me wanting more :(
  3. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Why does this seem so much like a map i know called Guardian...
  4. Zoolader m83

    Zoolader m83 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Confused Flamingo must REALLY be confused... because this looks alot like Midship, and sadly NOTHING like Guardian. I love small FFA maps so I will download and give feedback later.
  5. sourd

    sourd Forerunner

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    Thanx Guyas for the coments, and yes, confused flamingo realy is confused :p
  6. Sp3c0p5grunt

    Sp3c0p5grunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    no1 likes the plasma rifle :(

    plasma rifle is better then repeater
    #6 Sp3c0p5grunt, Oct 16, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  7. sourd

    sourd Forerunner

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    To be 100% percent honest, Iv'e never even used a plasma rifle o_O I aways just asumed the repeater was better cause its the only one you ever find in match making.

    Dose anyone have any actual coments on my desighn or gameplay yet? :p
    #7 sourd, Oct 16, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  8. Locke087

    Locke087 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You are the first person I have seen make even a remotely accurate midship I feel your pain about the curves dude I know Its hard dude and you did a good job bringing back the curve back. Great job I will test it out when I get the chance
  9. xbluesidex

    xbluesidex Forerunner

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    gameplay is great it fits midship very well, the only thing that i can think of that isn't like midship are the slanted walls on one side of the map that you could walk up but besides that this is a really good remake.
  10. sourd

    sourd Forerunner

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    Thanx guys, i know what you mean about the walls you can walk up, But arent there curved walls on carbine side in that same position on midship that you can jump on to? maby im mistaken but that is what my memory is telling me :p
  11. Stumanji

    Stumanji Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I can't really tell from the pictures, but the sword spawn is the only thing that stands out as inaccurate. In Midship and its remake you could grab the sword then run up the supports all the way to the ceiling. Using Glass Sails as the supports prevents this.
  12. sourd

    sourd Forerunner

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    Ah yes i was wondering when someone would notice that. I really just deemed that spot as near useless in an MLG setting (or really just any starting DMR game type) and since that is the fundamental game type of midship, I thought in unnecessary (and quite difficult :p ) to add that in.

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