Never Far

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Portal of Souls, Oct 15, 2010.

  1. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    [SIZE=+1][SIZE=+1]Welcome to[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    Never Far
    Where you need to keep your enemies close,
    and your weapons even closer.

    [SIZE=+1]Speaking of weapons, what does Never Far have to offer you ask. Let me tell you.[/SIZE]
    2 Sniper Rifles 90 sec. spawn with 1 spare clip
    2 Needlers 30 sec. spawn with 2 spare clip
    2 Shotguns 60 sec. spawn with 1 spare clip
    2 Battle Rifles 30 sec. spawn with 2 spare clip
    2 DMRs 30 sec. spawn with 2 spare clip
    2 Magnums 30 sec. spawn with 2 spare clip
    1 Rocket Launcher 90 sec. spawn with 1 spare clip
    4 Frag Grenades 15 sec. spawn
    4 Plasma Grenades 15 sec. spawn


    Uploaded with
    Maybe you've visited before, maybe this is your first time here at Never Far. But if you like what you see, please, please leave a comment and make your way over to bnet and give Never Far a thumb (Like It)
    Download Now
    And of course once you've dished out the pain your enemy is going to retreat to find one of six health packs that respawn every 15 sec.
    [SIZE=+1]Now that you know what toys will be welcoming you to Never Far, let me show you around a bit. When designing Never Far, my intentions were: [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=+1]Simplicity, Uniqueness, and Fun Balanced Play.[/SIZE]​


    [SIZE=+1]By silvence at 2010-10-15[/SIZE]
    From a distance you can see that this little haven is symmetrical in design and offers multiple levels to explore. All the areas are unique in shape since buildings were avoided during construction. Thats right gentleman, Never Far is all hand built. With my own TLC of course.


    [SIZE=+1]By silvence at 2010-10-15[/SIZE]
    Here is a close up of what appears to be a man making away with the rocket launcher. Yep, he's flying away on one of those mancannons for a quick escape with his prize.


    [SIZE=+1]By silvence at 2010-10-15[/SIZE]
    And over here we have a good sky view of that pesky drop hole I put in for those guys on the second floors. WATCH OUT FROM ABOVE! On the right of the screen you can also see where I set up the grav lift to take you to the second floor.


    [SIZE=+1]By silvence at 2010-10-15[/SIZE]
    Here is a shot of the tall stair well to the second floor. Each base offers two of these that start at the center of the first floor and radiate out to the second floor


    [SIZE=+1]By silvence at 2010-10-15[/SIZE]
    Here we have the snipers perch, a small hole to view over the battle field. This spot sits directly at the top of each stair well and has a good view of only small portions of the battle field. A fine spot to visit, but a terrible place to hang around.


    [SIZE=+1]By silvence at 2010-10-15[/SIZE]
    And here is the front entrance of the bases. A magnum lays right on the front step for a quick weapon change or reload. Note the small openings from which the man jumps out of. A subtle addition that enhanced the playability of this area.
    And Finally we have a 1 game preview of headhunter. Only 3 players on board for this viewing but you get the idea. Please keep in mind that since this video I have lengthened spawn times for nearly all the power weapons and given them fewer clips.
    * Sorry for not embedding it, I couldn't get it to work properly, but here is a direct link *
    20101006085810.mp4 video by silvence83 - Photobucket
    Download Now
    Please if you have the time and have perused my map Never Far than could you supply comments or suggestions. And if you have downloaded and like it please on bnet give me a thumb. Thanks all, enjoy.
    *Edited 10/15 to make more appealing to the eye, seems I'm not getting any responses yet so thought I'd tighten her up a little.
    *Edited 10/18 to give more places for you to download.
    #1 Portal of Souls, Oct 15, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  2. stinky earl

    stinky earl Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I set it up to download. I like the pics, it seems to have a nice flow. I like maps with good vertical play.

    I don't know if this was your first map, if it is, I'm impressed.

    I found this map by looking in the review thread. You posted right after mine: Medusa. I'm a little intimidated now. Do me a favor and check out my map and let me know if you have any pointers.
  3. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    stinky earl, you got it man. Your the first to post in my first map, therefor you ROCK! So Medusa it is. I'll try to get a little game on it if possible, I'll even join you if you'd like because usually I can only get my brother and 1 other to try out maps.

    I play most Tuesdays (day off) and evenings 7pm or so til 11pm or so, sporadically throught the night. all EST.

    -------> Off to Medusa----->
  4. Gnappy

    Gnappy Ancient
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    I downloaded this and I have to say it's well forged, aesthetically pleasing, and movement flows well.

    One problem I have with it though is a bit ironic given what you named it. The map doesn't really have the means to utilize the sniper well. It spawns in a cramped center portion of each base and try as I did, I couldn't really find a great spot to post up with it. That might be what you wanted when you made the map- I haven't the slightest clue- but weapons are only worth placing in a map if the map also has a place for them to shine.

    I think I'm gonna open it up and try to find a solution to that... I'll get back to you. :)
  5. Paragon Fury

    Paragon Fury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wheres the download? All I can find are big versions of the pictures and the video?
  6. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    Right in the post details, min players, max players, and games supported, than it has download now. But I'll add some extra places throughout the post for it to be found easier.

    Added after 5 minutes:

    Gnappy you are quite right about it being cramped, and in a way I did intend that. This map being so small, I thought the sniper was going to be overkill, especially with two on the map. But with the vantage point on the stairwell it seemed as though the map was begging for a sniper rifle, and actuall the snipe does quite well for locking down the corners of the bases. With those wide platforms out there you can see through your own base, and you can also see all the length down to the other base on one side.

    A sniper in these positions, though not racking up kills can really change how the enemy thinks about moving through out the map. Thanks for the input though, I'll consider making some small changes. But unless I find the right balance, it will likely stay as it is at the moment.

    Edited by merge:

    First and Foremost; Thank you Forgehub community for your activity surrounding Never far. Currently at 700 views, 90 downloads, 4 Likes on bnet, and a few comments. Gnappy your input so far has been the most critique like review I have gotten and I really appreciate your input.

    But as a whole, I thought I would get some more input from the community regarding my map. So please, this is a call out to the community. I feel that my map is very well made, efficient in design, simple in aesthetic, and tight gameplay mechanics. But something seems to be holding it back from greatness. People aren't taking great notice of it. What do I need to do to improve this? I am willing to make changes, to take your information to heart, and to really make this map standout. Let me know!

    Thanks again, loving forgehub so far, great place!
    #6 Portal of Souls, Oct 22, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2010
  7. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
    Senior Member

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    Official Review Hub Review


    Never Far


    Never Far is a suitable arena for any symmetrical game. It works as both a 1v1 map as well as an area for team gametypes. Since it is small and fairly compact, two players could easily use the area in a vendetta match without getting lost in too many corridors and rooms. In a 4v4 game, there are enough areas in which players can spread out on and fight across. The bases on either side of the map act as easily defendable sanctuaries for the team which owns them. However, their windows turn it from a defensive resting place to an unfair advantage. The windows on either side allow snipers a complete view of the central area as well as the other base, meaning death for any who enter the center.

    Varying levels of elevation create a more dynamic battlefield rather than the bland floor and walls combination. As a player fought their way to the center, their high ground melted away into a perilous battlefield compensated only by a rocket launcher. Although there were a lot of single pieces of cover placed, they didn’t much escape from the 360 degrees of enemy fire.

    In 1v1 matches, gameplay often melted into “Kill the Camper in the Base” as one player would inevitably obtain the sniper rifle and blow the other out of the water. This scenario would create an awkward dilemma for the defending player as they would have to get into the easily defendable enemy base in order to end the slaughter. This was difficult and unenjoyable for the unlucky player as the camper often won out. They had control over a shotgun located conveniently within their base, near the sniper rifle, and often ruined it for both players.

    Enjoyment Rating: [​IMG]


    The windows of each base offer a wide view for anyone utilizing them. However, their small frames make it difficult for the enemy to return fire. Although this is great for the sniper, it is also an overbalanced camping spot. On their way up to the base, a player can pick up a shotgun mere seconds before finding the sniper rifle only a few paces away from the window. As soon as the sniper realizes that there is a player coming to stop them, they only need to use the shotgun within the bases close quarters to end their attempt. Such a tyranny over the central area creates a tension within the opposing team which can occasionally ruin the game.

    The dip in elevation around the exact middle of the map balanced the newfound advantage offered by the rocket launcher. As a player fights their way to the power weapon, they have to find a quick way to high ground before they can utilize their newfound reward.

    Although the fundamentals of balance were acknowledged, too much emphasis and power was placed within the red and blue bases. Instead of acting as a temporary reprieve from the rest of the map, the bases became the two fronts around which the central area turned into a no man’s land.

    Balance Rating: [​IMG]


    As with most maps which are located high up in the air, Never Far insures death for any who attempt an escape. There are no areas which were built, but were not meant to be accessed, such as a gap between two walls. All of the space is used to make a maximal playing area. All of the available gametypes play well and without fault.

    However, the scarcity of the respawn points compromised the integrity of Never Far. The majority of the respawn areas were placed on platforms sticking out of the edge of the map; places which had no clear purpose other than being a place to respawn in. The rest of the respawn points were placed at other points around the edge of the map and only two or four were placed in the central area. More often than not, it was simply an uninteresting area to respawn in. As a player dies, they can expect to be thrown away from any point of interest, leaving them to navigate their way back to the playing area.

    Durability Rating: [​IMG]


    It is clear that a lot of effort has been put into the construction of this map. Not only has attention been paid to the general layout and form, but also the individual structures. For example, small bunkers around the upper edge of the main playing area were constructed using a unique combination of Glass Covers and Glass sails. A simple wall would essentially perform the same task, however the more intricate construction is much more inviting. The forms of each point of interest compliment each other well and form what looks like a completely unique piece. This shows how even the smallest details add to the atmosphere of Never Far’s look.

    Both of the main bases were built from scratch and without the use of pre-made building pieces. Every object which makes up each base adds to functionality as well as looks. For example, the windows on each side of the base allow a wide view of the main battlefield. At the same time, the piece used to construct the window blends well into the rest of the building and doesn’t seem out of place.

    There were a few small areas in which the aesthetics could be improved. The areas where each team initially spawned had some gaps in the railings which didn’t lead to anything. This mistake, however small, detracts from the rest of the map. These four Large Y Platforms add nothing to the map’s look or functionality and stick out unnecessarily.

    Over all the aesthetics are innovative and resourceful. Never Far opts for the manual creation of areas and points of interest, and hence achieves a more original and visually pleasant look.

    Aesthetics Rating: [​IMG]


    Few could say that they created their map using the individual pieces to create a bunker or base instead of using the preset piece. Never Far can claim this respectable achievement. The result is a more engaging arena which throws the player into tailor-built scenery.

    Unconventional pieces are used in place of other pieces, such as a Strut instead of another incline piece or a door instead of a window. This helps Never Far break the mold of the common forge map, though that’s as far as it goes. Besides those small visual nuances, Never Far doesn’t bring any more to the table than any other map.

    Originality Rating: [​IMG]


    Enjoyment Rating:[​IMG]
    Balance Rating: [​IMG]
    Durability Rating: [​IMG]
    Aesthetics Rating: [​IMG]
    Originality Rating: [​IMG]

    Average Rating: 5.4/10 (27/50)

    Although it averages to a 5.4 for the individual scores, over all Never Far is not a bad map. It is in fact very well put together despite the easily fixable mistakes within its mechanics. That said, it isn't amazing. However, it does shine out among the rest of the maps out there. For anyone looking for a decent 1v1 arena, this is a download for you.

    Final Score:
  8. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    Thanks for the review. It is a relief to get some solid feedback. Your review definitely shows my map in a new light, and while that light may glare just a little, I found your review to be honest. And that more than anything else I appreciate. I'm not sure if I'll make it back to Never Far to polish her up, but it is for certain I will keep in mind what information you gave me. And I will return in the future to refresh myself on the ways that I can improve.

    My newest map is Promethean. And currently is in request mode for a review, I would like to think that it alone is already better than Never Far. Time will tell.

    Thanks again!

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