A map with problems- Its a L4D2 Gametype in which the humans have a campaign-sized space in front of them. They have to get all the way through the initial plane crash, a broken road, an abandoned city, an artillery defence zone, a minefield and into an underwater tunnel, which brings them to a military-enclosed area on the island leading to a helicopter waiting to take them to a survivor Supercarrier. This takes roughly eight minutes with zombies chasing and an average number of supplying stops. (looting houses). Once inside, alternating Safe Havens (in the same spot) Caressing the full interior of the carrier keep the humans safe from infected running to join their presance. To make it where the survivors had to enter the carrier to win, (havens dont give points, you know.) I had a genius idea to symbolize a finale, in which 15 seconds before the time limit, a kill zone spawns covering all of forgeworld except the carrier, and survivors who suicide change to zombies, so at the time limit's end, the only humans would be inside of the supercarrier. This would be accompanied by random balls of flame and nuke-like special effects. Yep, you guessed it- The survivors have to get into the carrier before it nukes the city. The problem arose when I saw that I couldnt make an item spawn more than three minutes into the game. The course is impossable in three minutes, even if you dont make supply stops, and trust me, without them you're as good as dead. I've seen settings that might help me, but I cant figure out how to use them for this. It might have a side effect, but ill find a way to creatively incorerate into the game no matter hard hard it is. Maybe a swich the survivors hit coming in, or an objective that activates it, or even a way to use a spawn secuence to make it spawn at the right time. Anything at All will do, please help! Added after 2 Hours 39 minutes: Someone PLEASE COMMENT!!! Added after 37 minutes: Hello?
you could try spawning kill balls at a distance which could be set up to travel down a pathway taking a certain amount of time before it rolls through the level killing everything.
Well, one way you could do it is go to Safe Havens >> Safe Haven Traits >> Haven Points >> 5. then at the end of the map they get all the bonus points they can until time runs out your not gonna get something to spawn in 8 minutes so try some alternate methods