A word from the creator:[/SIZE] Hello, Im mati1501, a new member and this is my first map I present in this community. We are talking here about a 4v4 team slayer map, illusive. This is the first map that took me a very long time and where I was very creative. Sure, I was forging back in halo 3 but this map took me most effort. Its a tactical but yet fun and creative map. This is version 1.0, what means I will change it. I plan to make this map multi-game mode. The map Sky view of the map: Interesting spot: ´The air tunnel´, a good sniping spot: ´The middle´: Rocket launcher location: There are more cool spots and weapon locations so enjoy playing! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DOWNLOAD MAP: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details PLAY WITH TEAM SLAYER Okay. Its my first map so I need some feedback. Tell me if the spawn points and weapon locations are good. Any suggestions? Any requests? Anything? Please let me know. NOTE: I didnt saw every forgehub map yet so sorry if the name was already in use.
The ramp to the rockets leads to nothing you should make it so the landing extends so its like a secondary fighting area that way people wont expect rockets when they go there every time
Okay, I edit it in 1.1. What about the rest of the map? BTW Im also want to make another map, but I need to know if this one is good. Guys, you have to play the map yourselves, these are just a few pics. There are other cool spots. I may make a vid. Added after 13 Hours 6 minutes: Okay sorry for DP but I want to say that I wont update this map anymore. I tried to make it also a CTF map but it did not work out somehow. [br][/br]Edited by merge: ...No replys??
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Community Reviewers=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Reviewer: [I Carter I] - Rank: [Master Reviewer]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Map Review =-Phase [1]-=-=-=-= Idea: 6/10 Looks: 6.5/10 Gameplay: 7/10 Construction: 7/10 Features: 6/10 Overall: 6/10 Comments: A good map. Idea-wise it's quite generic, in that it's a map designed for slayer using the forge world objects in the standard way Bungie intended them to be used- with the exception of a few aesthetic features such as the arc in the middle which is a nice touch. You've thought about gameplay well, and there's a good mix of open areas along with cover. There are a couple of dead ends, and I feel you could've added a few walkways to improve the flow of gameplay.. but all in all it's a good map. In terms of progression, I'd recommend that to stand out you need to make a map with a bit more ingenuity [][][][][][][] Want another map reviewed? Want to become a reviewer? Message me
Well, thank you very much for the review. I am working on version 2.0 right now and also on a whole new map coming soon!