Can you spawn something in multiflag, but not in 2-flag?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by snowborn007, Oct 14, 2010.

  1. snowborn007

    snowborn007 Forerunner

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    I've got a teleporter in my map, which is all swell for everything except for 4-team multiflag. I'd still like it to be there for 2-flag. Is there a way to do this? Or do I just have to deal with it.
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Have you checked in custom games to be sure 4-team flag is possible? It wasn't in Halo 3.

    If of course it is possible, there is still only a way to block the teleporter for gametypes and symmetrical/assymetrical games. No special options for user created gametypes.
  3. Dabobyjoeson

    Dabobyjoeson Forerunner

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    Short answer: yes
    Real answer: When you start up forge world, change 'Basic Editing' to 'Multi Flag',
    then in game go to the Teleporters >> Advanced >> Game specific >> True
    this should solve your problem

    Edit: That is a little confusing, what i mean by go to the teleporters is put your cursor
    on the teleporter and press X, im sure you understood but im picky like that
    #3 Dabobyjoeson, Oct 14, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  4. snowborn007

    snowborn007 Forerunner

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    I haven't specifically tried ... but I looked at other maps and most of (if not all) of Bungie's maps have flag spawns for red, blue, green, and orange teams.

    Added after 7 minutes:

    Also, Daboby, there's are 4 gametypes under CTF: Capture the Flag, Multi Flag CTF, Neutral Flag CTF, and One Flag CTF.

    Maybe this is silly but what is the difference between "Capture the Flag" and "Multi Flag CTF" ... because in Halo 3, "Multi Flag" was only 2 flags.
    #4 snowborn007, Oct 14, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2010
  5. Dabobyjoeson

    Dabobyjoeson Forerunner

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    yes there are four gametypes, when you are in the forge menu, go to BASIC EDITING and change that to MULTI FLAG, then start it up and make the teleporter game specific.

    Do you need help? My GT is NinjaElfM0HAWK1, id happily help if you need it
  6. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    The easiest solution I can think of is to simply make a second copy of your map. On one copy keep the teleporter and then on the other get rid of it. You can then make a note on the title of the map so that you know which one works with each gametype. We have a much larger capacity for custom content now, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
  7. shidarin

    shidarin Forerunner

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    That won't solve anything. There's no multiflag specific tag- only CTF.
  8. snowborn007

    snowborn007 Forerunner

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    Sorry Daboby, I think you're just not getting me. 2-flag and multiflag are one and the same. When you play CTF on matchmaking with 2 teams it's still called multiflag. Therefore, there would be no way to have something spawn for when there's 4 teams but not for when there's 2. However, I doubt 4 team CTF will ever be played (if it's even possible), so it's not much of an issue.

    Thanks for the discussion though guys. Its my first map and it's like a crash-course in level design. I kinda just happened to feel like making something, and, surprisingly enough, I think it turned out quite good. I'll be looking for testers soon though, 'cause I can't wait to play on it.

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