Sumo Revamp Here is a Halo 3 Gameplay Video of the original Gametpe for those who aren't familiar with the gametype (the Video Isn't mine I've informed the maker if he doesn't want me to use it I'll remove it) (Mine works exactly the same way) Here I've just Revamped the sumo gametype from Halo 3's Action Sack I've played this alot and I really loved it so I made it myself I think its really accurate but if you dont believe me go see for yourself. I think aesthetically it is an improvement and the gameplay is good old sumo grande I've built it on a grid and the symetry is near perfect maybe 1/1000 of an inch off the spawns and warthogs are all the same distance from the sumo ring its a simple gametype but its lots of fun here are some pictures Overview The Ring Spectator Tower (Red) Initial Spawn (Blue) I tried to stay as close to the original as possible I'm really proud of it and I hope you all like it enjoy! (don't forget to download the custom gametype) Please send feedback and report glitches.
NOOOOO you beat me to it lol but i have to admit yours looks better than mine lol but when i played it sometimes the warthogs would miss and fall straight
Thats odd never happend too me before I'll look into it Edit: I've checked it out and could't find the problem can you send me a Filmclip?
Confused by it... Are there a red base and blue base and one team spawns there, and then they enter a teleporter and go to the warthog spawn area, jump to the center, and monster truck each other off? More pics!!! BTW you have my download
I Have posted a video of the Original Gametype in Halo 3 to explain the gametype, I would like to render a video on this map but I dont have Bungie Pro
hey about the glitch it wasent ur fault i was looking at it in forge and i guess my friend deleted somethings and i saved the map ohh and if you need a video clip i have a capturecard if you want
Oh okay thanks for the reply I've tested It over and over again and couldn't figure it out so I dont realy need the video then, thanks anyway. Although if you redownload the map and get the same glitch tell me and send me the video.