Hey guys I am here to post a map adoption for an Invasion map. I don't have Reach yet and probably will not get it until november or december, so I want someone really really good at forging to make this. I will, however, rent the game this weekend and will connect every nightSomeone extremely detail-oriented like me that makes maps with some very good aesthetics and well-placed weapons, objectives, etc. The name is based off a ship that appears in Halo: First Strike that has slipspace even though it is a singleship(kina like the Longsword). This map is very ambitious and there has to be a BALANCE of aesthetics and playability, which will use up all the budget available. The backstory: A new ONI prototype with cloaking and slipspace capabilities, the Chiroptera, has been stolen by the Covenant in a classified expedition to Installation 06. However, humans place a tracker on the CCS battlecruiser just before it destroys the ONI base. The UNSC track the cruiser to a remote location in the Halo and plan an offensive to take the prototype ship back. A special team of Spartans is tasked to recover the ship and take it back to a safe spot from where it can be defended and later transported to a UNSC controlled area. The spartans will first have to infiltrate a small Covy Communications array and deactivate it, which will cut the Elites off from any help. Then, they will have to plant a bomb in the engines or in the groundside Gravity Lift of the CCS battlecruiser that will cripple the ship so it can't escape(either by not having engines or by not having important crew members onboard). Only after the engines have been disabled will the Spartans be able to board the cruiser through a huge hole where the engines had been and fly the Chiroptera vessel out of the hangar long enough to secure a victory. Here's a rundown of the map: 1ST PHASE LOADOUTS: HUMANS Infiltrator(1 min. Camouflage AA, pistol, 3 frags.) ELITES Guard(Evade AA, concussion rifle, plasma pistol, 1 plasma grenade) Both Elites and Spartans spawn on the pocket, where there is a Covy communications array(use Covy objects and scenery as much as you can here for the structure) and through either of 2 places, they must hack the COM. Elites win here if the humans don't hack the COM in under 3 mins. 2ND PHASE: LOADOUTS: HUMANS Infiltrator Technician(Infinite Jetpack AA, grenade launcher with lots of ammo, pistol, no frags) Medic(Drop Shield AA, DMR, 2 of each grenade) ELITES Guard Officer(Armor Lock AA, Needle Rifle, Plasma Pistol, 2 stickies) Ranger(Jetpack AA, concussion rifle, 2 stickies) The second phase will start off with 2 banshees spawning on the pocket area, in the spartan side. For those banshee-less, there will be 2 teleporters on the COM array, one on each side of the array, that lead to teleporters in the Covy camp in the island by the cruiser. For Elites who are dead, they can respawn inside the cruiser, which has weapons and 2 more banshees in the hangar, and a missile launcher warthog and a Gauss warthog(not drivable, to simulate cannons). The hangar has a 1 way shield door so no Human can pass through. In the small Covy camp, there are 2 small bases (one covy, one human) with 2 ghosts, 2 warthogs, a revenant, and weapons(needle rifle, plasma pistol, DMR, sniper, focus rifle, and a plasma launcher) scattered throughout both bases. Spartans can either fly and plant a bomb right above the engines(crippling them), or they can choose to plant it in the groundside gravity lift(getting Covy forces stuck in land) so the cruiser can't escape. Elites win if bomb is not planted within 4 minutes. 3RD PHASE LOADOUTS: HUMANS Infiltrator Technician Medic Marksman(Armor Lock AA, DMR, AR, 1 frag) Specialist(Sprint AA, shotgun, pistol, 2 frags) ELITES Guard Officer Ranger Zealot(Evade AA, Energy Sword, plasma pistol, 2 stickies) Ship Master(Armor Lock, Concussion Rifle, Plasma Rifle, 2 stickies) The final phase has humans entering the ship through a hole where the engines used to be(engines despawn, and debris spawns), and set out to capture the Chiroptera(a falcon) and drive it out of the hangar for 20 seconds to win(the falcon is the objective). The falcon is inaccesible in earlier phases because Elites won't be able to get in the falcon , as they are taller and there is a small passageway that only Spartans can crouch through, but Elites can't. Here is how it will be: Remember this is how the cruiser looks like: Try to make the ship's bridge, the weapons area, and the hangar. For pictures of the exterior and the interior of the ship, go here: CCS-class Battlecruiser - Halopedia, the Halo Wiki - Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST, and more I know it is very ambitious, but I will give whoever wants to do it whatever time they need. The credit for making it will ultimately be yours, but please mention me as the one who had the idea if you ever post it. Thanks, guys. EDIT: I have Reach now since December... anyone still want to do this as a co-forge, you are welcome to join.
Make it yo'self *****. You could make a pretty good Corvette within budget. Just focus on the exterior aesthetics for the most part, and only have a central room or two accessible. You might probably just want to skip the 2nd phase, because it seems like it would slow down the whole process. Just focus on the ship, because if it isn't a sweet job then theres little point in the whole project.
Like I said, I don't have REACH!! I won't be getting it until December, probably Christmas. If I had it right now, I would most obviously do it all by myself, and that way I don't risk people screwing it up by putting it for map adoption, but I DO NOT HAVE THE GAME, so I need someone to do it for me. If no one wants to, then I'll do it when I get the game.
Wow! This project looks amazing... I wish i could take that on, but it'd be overly ambitious of me for my first map . (Well not my first... my other is on my file share, but it kind of fails)
I will try to build this for you meet up with me later. maybe next week so we can explain this map in more detail, You got yourself a Forger!
If you want a co-forger i might be available... the only reason i myself didnt take it on is because it is such a huge project, with two people it seems like it'd be easier for both of us.
ya it would be invasion with this big of a map is going to be a pain in the ass (I am sorry for foul language) ill take you on. you know anything about making maps? if not search around you'll find something.
I know the basics... not from experience though, mostly from reading about it. Read a lot of guides, and if i set time to something it usually turns out well. Sounds like an incredibly fun object to take on, even if it is hard. Btw, please don't take that horrible map on my file share as an example of what i can do... pretty much just threw it together with a friend, didn't put a lot of effort into it. Also, if i'm not responding much, for some reason the most recent reply isnt updating on the main forum thingy. It still says what you said about 26 minutes ago is the most recent, so i have no way of knowing if you post.
K well you'll learn from the time it WILL take to forge this type of map. you'll learn a lot. I will put a couple of things in this map I have been waiting to put in some type of map. my rocket turret in the ground. but not just that i will also want to put others in its just i need the wanter of this maps permission to put these things in and of course he will want an example but not the point. what i will say is that you will learn I'm rather good at making aesthetics and a=symmetrical maps and invasion is no different. You will learn many things under my teachings most of them technical things in forge world if you haven't seen them or read about them already. Mr. map wanter will y0u meet with me so you, I and that other guy can go over the details of what you want . please.
I am not entirely sure of who does want to take on this project or not, so, send me a PM to confirm that you want to make this map and ask everything you want to ask regarding it because I know it is very, very ambitious and very hard to do as well.
Lol there is aspects of your map which are very similar to my 1st map. where your phase 1 is I also have a comms relay with the difference that its a forerunner not a covy relay. The back story to my map is that a UNSC frigate has been forced to crash land on installation 06, a recon group consisting of Spartan III's has gone to secure the relay to broadcast a distress signal, While the covenant (who start on the opposite end of the map) have come to stop that before it happens. I will be able to upload screens by tomorrow for you guys to check out. Unfortunately I do not have live atm, but should have by the end of the month. Would be interested in helping develop the idea/map once you guys have had a chance to rate my work!