A Complicated Issue That May Cost Me My Map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Cryptic Sin, Oct 14, 2010.

  1. Cryptic Sin

    Cryptic Sin Forerunner

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    I have a very important Forge project that I've been putting many, MANY hours into since release. It's coming along very well and I believe it's going to be a huge success... but there's an issue.

    Long story short, Xbox Live tech support and I came to the conclusion that I cannot post any material on my File Share under my Gamertag because of the inclusion of "Sin" in it (I can assure you it's not your typical ban.) Ridiculously enough, there is no way around this besides changing my name. That is NOT the problem, however.

    What could very well keep many hours of hard work from ever seeing the public's eye is the author system. I want to know if anyone has any clue that even if I change my name, will the original author name of the map I'm working on change along with it? If so, I'm saved and relieved. If not... I need to start all over again.

    Please, someone help me out here. I'm desperate to know. Thank you.
  2. Texaport

    Texaport Forerunner

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    I tried to do a Save As and uploaded it to my fileshare, Sin was the original author and I was the modified by. It said that because of the original author's name, it could not be posted to a fileshare.

    Has anyone gotten a name change after making a map and seen if it changed the original author?
  3. Wood0236

    Wood0236 Forerunner

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    the only thing you could do that I can think of is have one of your friend play on it in a forge game and have them save the map in game and have them upload it to their fileshare. but it's worth a shot
  4. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    it would still save the original author.
    and it doesnt change original author when you change gamertags, at least it didnt change in H3, and i dont see why that would change.
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Save as new map supposedly gets rid of the original author. I haven't tried stealing people's maps so I don't know for sure.
  6. Cryptic Sin

    Cryptic Sin Forerunner

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    It doesn't. The original author still stands. The new save is the modifier.
  7. Dabobyjoeson

    Dabobyjoeson Forerunner

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    Open the map, change one thing, save as new map after you change your name, should be fine.

    the thing you change could be like a column hidden in a wall or a capture plate in the sky, it just has to be different
  8. Texaport

    Texaport Forerunner

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    Has anyone actually gotten a name change and managed to see if it changed the original author?
  9. Cryptic Sin

    Cryptic Sin Forerunner

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    I'll try this after I decide on a new tag. Thanks.
  10. PwnCakes

    PwnCakes Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Before reach came out, I played on on my jtag with a profile named like Player1 or something, when i saved the map it said player 1. I hooked my jtag up with my real xbox, when reach came out, and played a system link game. I went into forge under temporary files, loaded the map up, and re "Save As"d and it changed the author of my map tomy real gamertag.

    You should be clear to engage with this one. And if it doesnt work, do what Sin said to do.
  11. Cryptic Sin

    Cryptic Sin Forerunner

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    A friend tried 'Saving As...' and it did not change the original author. The screen before the file's information WILL state the author as the last who saved it. However, once you check the file details, YOU will shown as the modifier. This is obviously to prevent anyone from taking credit for your map (regardless of editing) while also preventing it from being an upload.

    I'm incredibly pissed at Bungie for supporting the current censorship atrocities in this world and screwing over a long time fan, but the only thing I can do is persevere and start over... Thanks anyway people.

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