Warm Storage Gameplay Vid Just some 1v1 with a friend, not too interesting, but if you want to find some of the useful jumps or just want to see more of the map click below! YouTube - Warm Storage - 1v1 Gameplay - By Xang Yang Greetings people of Forgehub! Today I'm bringing you guys my newest and first Reach map, Warm Storage. If you couldn't tell by the title of the map, this is a remake of Halo 3's Cold Storage, one of my all time favorite Halo maps. This map is my entry to the Forgotton Treasures 2 contest, This is the first time I've ever entered a contest, and also my first time releasing a non-jumping map, so feel free to give some criticism on the map. Description I spent countless hours on this map trying to make it the best as can be, I also added my little touch of creativity to it and changed some areas, but trust me, its still Cold Storage. One of the biggest changes you may notice when looking at this map is that I made the center bigger, I mainly did this because I felt it was too small before which sort of took away some of the fun more me, but thats just me, feel free to disagree. I had to adjust the map a little bit to make sure that most of the jumps would still be possible, some of the jumps may not be very noticeable, but im sure once you find them they will be quite useful. WEAPONS The weapon layout is the same as good old Cold Storage, I just swapped out the BR for the DMR and replaced the 2 items for 2 DMR's. Just in case you dont know the Cold Storage weapons there... DMR x 3 Plasma Rifle x 2 Assault Rifle x 1 Needler x 1 Shotgun x 1 Sniper Rifle x 1 Rocket Launcher x 1 Frag Nade x 4 Plasma Nade x 4 Health Station x 3 Gametypes I didn't set the map up for all gametypes, but it plays very well for 2v2, even 1v1 if thats what you please. I don't recommend playing the map with more then 6 people, feel free to, but its not as much fun! Headhunter is a new gametype that you can play on this map and I found that it played quite well. All other gamtypes below play very well also. Slayer Headhunter Juggernaut Oddball KOTH Screenshots Comparison shot of Rocket room Comparison of Needler walkway Comparison of AR room Comparison of Shotgun room Thats the map guys and incase the screenshots didn't tell enough I put a video at the top of the thread, Thanks for viewing and enjoy the map, criticism is welcomed! Warm Storage
Ohhhh, see it's called warm storage because there's grass and stuff... I really enjoy this map Xang, Cold Storage is usually the type of map I avoid in Matchmaking but it translated really well into your version in Reach I think. The map both looks and plays beautifully with 2v2 slayer and headhunter as my favorite supported gametypes. The only negative part I would say are the frame rate lags in a couple areas but that of course can't be helped. Blame Bungie. Keep up the good work Xang Yang!
This map is fantastic. This is probably the best cold storage remake out to date that I've seen. I really enjoyed testing this map and I definitely hope to see more from you... You also proportioned this to work great in halo reach. I think that this will surely place in the contest.
Warm Up Dude, it's getting hot... Really faithful remake of a somewhat faithful remake. I'm impressed. I like what you've done, here, and can't wait to get me a party on this map.
Something that I disagree with is you extending the central platforms (seen in picture 2) to make the jump do-able just for Reach. For a remake you should try to keep the scale relatively the same. I say this because you need to take into consideration armor abilities. With sprint on many jumps such as ones from Halo 3 become do-able again. Just something to consider, rewarding players who use sprint with the old style jump so it encourages them to play the map more like it was played in Halo 3 or Halo: CE. Thats just my opinion, but hey, its your take on it so props to you for trying that approach.
I agree with this and I also think that you should use flat blocks, maybe 3x1's for some of the ramps and platforms because the glass and designs on the double walls is slightly distracting. However, this map is a great remake and I love the name.