This is my first map that I made on Halo: Reach but is also one of my favorite games I'v built. This game plays by having one person sit above all the rest and is completely invincible but also cant get down and the only thing he can do is snipe down fusion coils on 1 of 4 corners while the people down there have to avoid dieing from the fusion coils. Easy.... right? Wrong this game is only a minute long and will have you flying around everywhere. Also did I forget to mention that you cant touch the ground and you have to be on a corner or you die. By the way you also need to use jet packs to get around. THIS HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE!!!! Have Fun Guys!!! NOTE: I'm sorry for no pics. yet I need transfer cables first and I don't have them yet so I'm sorry to "Forge Hub" but I'm not trying to harm you guys by doing anything.
You need pics and wat do you mean u need transfer cables put them on ur fileshare go to and save the pics and upload to photobucket
if you are having trouble posting pictures, please see this forum. in future map posts, please refrain from posting until you know how to properly post.