So yeah, I've decided to start the campaign back up. For those of you who have played it in Halo 3(preferably the updated version, the original had so many problems) you'll know that it's similar to the Manifest series(help's on the way, right?). The objective isn't to get as many kills as you can, but rather get from the beginning to the end of the level. This is a 4 part series, nothing is decided yet for parts 3 and 4 but I might end up actually remaking part 1 for reach as well. Act 2-The Streets is made by myself and co-forged with a friend, mike 286. It will start you off on the roof of a building and you must make your way through the streets to the escape vehicle- a boat behind a warehouse. So far I think the map plays well, it becomes especially hectic and crazy with large 16 person parties and most of the people who've played so far seem to like it. It usually takes a round for people to understand but after realizing that you have to change your playing styles(not run ahead, stay with the group, watch your backs, the ladder climb)but it becomes great fun when everyone becomes involved. If you want to get in for a testing session, post a comment, maybe you'll get in the video! The map should be released sometime this week, Sunday at the latest. Thanks for reading.
What kind of settings are we looking at? Because the L4D series has a very specific play style, zombie and human alike. I just don't wanna see a failed attempt at special infected, perhaps no special infected at all, except maybe the tank.
No special infected. Humans are 3-5 hits to kill, slow, no sprint and no radar Health regen is off, you need healthpacks to get it back. Zombies are one hit melee, headshot kill, but can take a decent amount of AR fire. Fairly fast and have sprint. There's a custom powerup that spawns I believe every 110 seconds that turns you into something like a tank though not as invincible.
I heard rumors about a 2nd Part. Didn't think you would do it. Im really looking forward to it. No Special Infected? Why? Try making a Smoker at least. (focus rifle). If that doesn't work, then don't bother. Good-Luck.
Huge fan of L4D and your poster looks sweet. If I can track down a Gold subscription card when I go to Best Buy today I'll gladly help test it.
In infection I think that the simpler the better. Besides, if I have those kinds of classes you could get an entire team of smokers to dominate from the rooftops which is not what I want. A special custom powerup infected is enough for this and the rest of the series.
I had tested this at least 3 different times now, and had a blast every time. Not only is this project well put together, The gameplay is very smooth, and smart infected tend to ambush the unexpecting defenders, adding to that horror theme. Yes moving together is key, as well as...well looking up.
I'm building something similar - that is, a series of infection maps. Originally they were all going to be linear maps but it seems with the limited terrain options (pretty much either a grassy field or the collusium since forgeworld really only has those two places), it will probably be a varying set of 4 or 5 maps - each map some different style that players have successfully built in the past. Anyway, just figured I'd mention that since I haven't seen any other linear maps yet. This doesn't tell too much about the map itself, but based on your previous work in Halo 3 I'm assuming that this will be pretty good. The ladder was an idea that I considered, but it seems pretty risky as far as playability. If someone downloads it and doesn't know what to do at that point it may be confusing, especially if it's halfway through the map. I would help test it but since I'll be away this weekend it's probably a little too late. However, I'll definitely be looking forward to this, and any follow-ups that you make.
The ladder system isn't too complicated to understand, even though most people wonder where it is the first game, it's fairly obvious games after. It adds uniqueness to the map and the host should know how the map works before playing it anyways. The only problem is you need to use the matchmaking version of infection because regular infection doesn't support Spartans only. Elites are too fat to go up the ladder and through the teleporter.